Quick start guide

The toolbox implements the performance estimation approach, pioneered by Drori and Teboulle [2]. A gentle introduction to performance estimation problems is provided in this blog post.

The PEPit implementation is in line with the framework as exposed in [3,4] and follow-up works (for which proper references are provided in the example files). A gentle introduction to the toolbox is provided in [1].

When to use PEPit?

The general purpose of the toolbox is to help the researchers producing worst-case guarantees for their favorite first-order methods.

This toolbox is presented under the form of a Python package. For people who are more comfortable with Matlab, we report to PESTO.

How tu use PEPit?


PEPit is available on pypi, hence can be installed very simply by running

pip install pepit

Now you are all set! You should be able to run

import PEPit

in an Python interpreter.

Basic usage: getting worst-case guarantees

The main object is called a PEP. It stores the problem you will describe to PEPit.

First create a PEP object.

from PEPit import PEP
problem = PEP()

From now, you can declare functions thanks to the declare_function method.

func = problem.declare_function(SmoothStronglyConvexFunction, param={'mu': 0, 'L': L})

You can also define a new point with

x0 = problem.set_initial_point()

and give a name to the value of func on x0

f0 = func.value(x0)

as well as the (sub)gradient of func on x0

g0 = func.gradient(x0)


g0 = func.subgradient(x0)

There is a more compact way to do it using the oracle method.

g0, f0 = func.oracle(x0)

You can declare a stationary point of func, defined as a point which gradient on func is zero, as follow:

xs = func.stationary_point()

You can combine points and gradients naturally

x = x0
for _ in range(n):
    x = x - gamma * func.gradient(x)

You must declare some initial conditions like

problem.set_initial_condition((x0 - xs) ** 2 <= 1)

as well as performance metrics like

problem.set_performance_metric(func.value(x) - fs)

Finally, you can ask PEPit to solve the system for you and return the worst-case guarantee of your method.

pepit_tau = problem.solve()

Derive proofs and adversarial objectives

When one can the solve method, PEPit does much more that just finding the worst-case value.

In particular, it stores possible values of each points, gradients and function values that achieve this worst-case guarantee, as well as the dual variable values associated with each constraint.

Values and dual variables values

Let’s consider the above example. After solving the PEP, you can ask PEPit


which returns one possible value of the output of the described algorithm at optimum.

You can also ask for gradients and function values


Recovering the values of all the points, gradients and function values at optimum allows you to reconstruct the function that achieves the worst-case complexity of your method.

You can also get the dual variables values of constraints at optimum, which essentially allows you to write the proof of the worst-case guarantee you just obtained.

Let’s consider again the previous example, but this time, let’s give a name to a constraint before using it.

constraint = (x0 - xs) ** 2 <= 1

Then, after solving the system, you can require its associated dual variable value with


Output pdf

In a latter release, we will provide an option to output a pdf file summarizing all those pieces of information.

Simplify proofs

Sometimes, there are several solutions to the PEP problem. In order to simplify the proof, one would prefer a low dimension solution. To this end, we provide an heuristic based on the trace to reduce the dimension of the provided solution.

You can use it by specifying


Finding Lyapunov

In a latter release, we will provide tools to help finding good Lyapunov functions to study a given method.

This tool will be based on the very recent work [7].


[1] B. Goujaud, C. Moucer, F. Glineur, J. Hendrickx, A. Taylor, A. Dieuleveut. “PEPit: computer-assisted worst-case analyses of first-order optimization methods in Python.”

[2] Drori, Yoel, and Marc Teboulle. “Performance of first-order methods for smooth convex minimization: a novel approach.” Mathematical Programming 145.1-2 (2014): 451-482

[3] Taylor, Adrien B., Julien M. Hendrickx, and François Glineur. “Smooth strongly convex interpolation and exact worst-case performance of first-order methods.” Mathematical Programming 161.1-2 (2017): 307-345.

[4] Taylor, Adrien B., Julien M. Hendrickx, and François Glineur. “Exact worst-case performance of first-order methods for composite convex optimization.” SIAM Journal on Optimization 27.3 (2017): 1283-1313.

[5] Steven Diamond and Stephen Boyd. “CVXPY: A Python-embedded modeling language for convex optimization.” Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 17.83.1–5 (2016).

[6] Agrawal, Akshay and Verschueren, Robin and Diamond, Steven and Boyd, Stephen. “A rewriting system for convex optimization problems.” Journal of Control and Decision (JCD) 5.1.42–60 (2018).

[7] Adrien Taylor, Bryan Van Scoy, Laurent Lessard. “Lyapunov Functions for First-Order Methods: Tight Automated Convergence Guarantees.” International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).