Source code for PEPit.examples.stochastic_and_randomized_convex_minimization.randomized_coordinate_descent_smooth_strongly_convex

import numpy as np

from PEPit import PEP
from PEPit.functions import SmoothStronglyConvexFunction

[docs] def wc_randomized_coordinate_descent_smooth_strongly_convex(L, mu, gamma, d, wrapper="cvxpy", solver=None, verbose=1): """ Consider the convex minimization problem .. math:: f_\\star \\triangleq \\min_x f(x), where :math:`f` is :math:`L`-smooth and :math:`\\mu`-strongly convex. This code computes a worst-case guarantee for **randomized block-coordinate descent** with step-size :math:`\\gamma`. That is, it computes the smallest possible :math:`\\tau(L, \\mu, \\gamma, d)` such that the guarantee .. math:: \\mathbb{E}[\\|x_{t+1} - x_\star \\|^2] \\leqslant \\tau(L, \\mu, \\gamma, d) \\|x_t - x_\\star\\|^2 holds for any fixed step-size :math:`\\gamma` and any number of blocks :math:`d`, and where :math:`x_\\star` denotes a minimizer of :math:`f`. The notation :math:`\\mathbb{E}` denotes the expectation over the uniform distribution of the index :math:`i \\sim \\mathcal{U}\\left([|1, n|]\\right)`. In short, for given values of :math:`\\mu`, :math:`L`, :math:`d`, and :math:`\\gamma`, :math:`\\tau(L, \\mu, \\gamma, d)` is computed as the worst-case value of :math:`\\mathbb{E}[\\|x_{t+1} - x_\star \\|^2]` when :math:`\\|x_t - x_\\star\\|^2 \\leqslant 1`. **Algorithm**: Randomized block-coordinate descent is described by .. math:: \\begin{eqnarray} \\text{Pick random }i & \\sim & \\mathcal{U}\\left([|1, d|]\\right), \\\\ x_{t+1} & = & x_t - \\gamma \\nabla_i f(x_t), \\end{eqnarray} where :math:`\\gamma` is a step-size and :math:`\\nabla_i f(x_t)` is the :math:`i^{\\text{th}}` partial gradient. **Theoretical guarantee**: When :math:`\\gamma \\leqslant \\frac{1}{L}`, the **tight** theoretical guarantee can be found in [1, Appendix I, Theorem 17]: .. math:: \\mathbb{E}[\\|x_{t+1} - x_\star \\|^2] \\leqslant \\rho^2 \\|x_t-x_\\star\\|^2, where :math:`\\rho^2 = \\max \\left( \\frac{(\\gamma\\mu - 1)^2 + d - 1}{d},\\frac{(\\gamma L - 1)^2 + d - 1}{d} \\right)`. **References**: `[1] A. Taylor, F. Bach (2019). Stochastic first-order methods: non-asymptotic and computer-aided analyses via potential functions. In Conference on Learning Theory (COLT). <>`_ Args: L (float): the smoothness parameter. mu (float): the strong-convexity parameter. gamma (float): the step-size. d (int): the dimension. wrapper (str): the name of the wrapper to be used. solver (str): the name of the solver the wrapper should use. verbose (int): level of information details to print. - -1: No verbose at all. - 0: This example's output. - 1: This example's output + PEPit information. - 2: This example's output + PEPit information + solver details. Returns: pepit_tau (float): worst-case value theoretical_tau (float): theoretical value Example: >>> L = 1 >>> mu = 0.1 >>> gamma = 2 / (mu + L) >>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_randomized_coordinate_descent_smooth_strongly_convex(L=L, mu=mu, gamma=gamma, d=2, wrapper="cvxpy", solver=None, verbose=1) (PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the Gram matrix: 4x4 (PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is the minimum of 1 element(s) (PEPit) Setting up the problem: Adding initial conditions and general constraints ... (PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions and general constraints (1 constraint(s) added) (PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 1 function(s) Function 1 : Adding 2 scalar constraint(s) ... Function 1 : 2 scalar constraint(s) added (PEPit) Setting up the problem: additional constraints for 0 function(s) (PEPit) Setting up the problem: 1 partition(s) added Partition 1 with 2 blocks: Adding 1 scalar constraint(s)... Partition 1 with 2 blocks: 1 scalar constraint(s) added (PEPit) Compiling SDP (PEPit) Calling SDP solver (PEPit) Solver status: optimal (wrapper:cvxpy, solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.8347107438584297 (PEPit) Primal feasibility check: The solver found a Gram matrix that is positive semi-definite All the primal scalar constraints are verified up to an error of 1.4183154650737606e-11 (PEPit) Dual feasibility check: The solver found a residual matrix that is positive semi-definite All the dual scalar values associated with inequality constraints are nonnegative (PEPit) The worst-case guarantee proof is perfectly reconstituted up to an error of 4.950747594358786e-10 (PEPit) Final upper bound (dual): 0.8347107438665666 and lower bound (primal example): 0.8347107438584297 (PEPit) Duality gap: absolute: 8.136935569780235e-12 and relative: 9.748209939370677e-12 *** Example file: worst-case performance of randomized coordinate gradient descent *** PEPit guarantee: E[||x_(t+1) - x_*||^2] <= 0.834711 ||x_t - x_*||^2 Theoretical guarantee: E[||x_(t+1) - x_*||^2] <= 0.834711 ||x_t - x_*||^2 """ # Instantiate PEP problem = PEP() # Declare a partition of the ambient space in d blocks of variables partition = problem.declare_block_partition(d=d) # Declare a strongly convex smooth function func = problem.declare_function(SmoothStronglyConvexFunction, mu=mu, L=L) # Start by defining its unique optimal point xs = x_* xs = func.stationary_point() # Then define the starting point x0 of the algorithm x0 = problem.set_initial_point() # Set the initial constraint that is the distance between x0 and x^* problem.set_initial_condition((x0 - xs) ** 2 <= 1) # Compute all the possible outcomes of the randomized coordinate descent step g0 = func.gradient(x0) x1_list = [x0 - gamma * partition.get_block(g0, i) for i in range(d)] # Set the performance metric to the expected value of the distance to optimiser from the different possible outcomes problem.set_performance_metric(np.mean([(x1 - xs) ** 2 for x1 in x1_list])) # Solve the PEP pepit_verbose = max(verbose, 0) pepit_tau = problem.solve(wrapper=wrapper, solver=solver, verbose=pepit_verbose) # Compute theoretical guarantee (for comparison) theoretical_tau = max(((mu * gamma - 1) ** 2 + d - 1) / d, ((L * gamma - 1) ** 2 + d - 1) / d) # Print conclusion if required if verbose != -1: print('*** Example file: worst-case performance of randomized coordinate gradient descent ***') print('\tPEPit guarantee:\t E[||x_(t+1) - x_*||^2] <= {:.6} ||x_t - x_*||^2'.format(pepit_tau)) print('\tTheoretical guarantee:\t E[||x_(t+1) - x_*||^2] <= {:.6} ||x_t - x_*||^2'.format(theoretical_tau)) # Return the worst-case guarantee of the evaluated method (and the reference theoretical value) return pepit_tau, theoretical_tau
if __name__ == "__main__": L = 1 mu = 0.1 gamma = 2 / (mu + L) pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_randomized_coordinate_descent_smooth_strongly_convex(L=L, mu=mu, gamma=gamma, d=2, wrapper="cvxpy", solver=None, verbose=1)