Source code for PEPit.functions.block_smooth_convex_function

import numpy as np

from PEPit.function import Function
from PEPit.block_partition import BlockPartition

[docs] class BlockSmoothConvexFunction(Function): """ The :class:`BlockSmoothConvexFunction` class overwrites the `add_class_constraints` method of :class:`Function`, by implementing necessary constraints for interpolation of the class of smooth convex functions by blocks. Attributes: partition (BlockPartition): partitioning of the variables (in blocks). L (list): smoothness parameters (one per block). Smooth convex functions by blocks are characterized by a list of parameters :math:`L_i` (one per block), hence can be instantiated as Example: >>> from PEPit import PEP >>> from PEPit.functions import BlockSmoothConvexFunction >>> problem = PEP() >>> partition = problem.declare_block_partition(d=3) >>> L = [1, 4, 10] >>> func = problem.declare_function(function_class=BlockSmoothConvexFunction, partition=partition, L=L) References: `[1] Z. Shi, R. Liu (2016). Better worst-case complexity analysis of the block coordinate descent method for large scale machine learning. In 2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). <>`_ """ def __init__(self, partition, L, is_leaf=True, decomposition_dict=None, reuse_gradient=True, name=None): """ Args: partition (BlockPartition): a :class:`BlockPartition`. L (list): smoothness parameters (list of floats). The size of the list must be equal to the number of blocks of the partition. is_leaf (bool): True if self is defined from scratch. False if self is defined as linear combination of leaf. decomposition_dict (dict): Decomposition of self as linear combination of leaf :class:`Function` objects. Keys are :class:`Function` objects and values are their associated coefficients. reuse_gradient (bool): If True, the same subgradient is returned when one requires it several times on the same :class:`Point`. If False, a new subgradient is computed each time one is required. name (str): name of the object. None by default. Can be updated later through the method `set_name`. Note: Smooth convex functions by blocks are necessarily differentiable, hence `reuse_gradient` is set to True. """ super().__init__(is_leaf=is_leaf, decomposition_dict=decomposition_dict, reuse_gradient=True, name=name, ) # Store partition and L assert isinstance(partition, BlockPartition) if partition.get_nb_blocks() > 1: assert isinstance(L, list) assert len(L) == partition.get_nb_blocks() for Li in L: assert Li < np.inf self.partition = partition self.L = L
[docs] def add_class_constraints(self): """ Formulates the list of necessary constraints for interpolation for self (block smooth convex function); see [1, Lemma 1.1]. """ # Set function ID function_id = self.get_name() if function_id is None: function_id = "Function_{}".format(self.counter) # Set tables_of_constraints attributes for k in range(self.partition.get_nb_blocks()): self.tables_of_constraints["smoothness_convexity_block_{}".format(k)] = [[]]*len(self.list_of_points) # Browse list of points and create interpolation constraints for i, point_i in enumerate(self.list_of_points): xi, gi, fi = point_i xi_id = xi.get_name() if xi_id is None: xi_id = "Point_{}".format(i) for j, point_j in enumerate(self.list_of_points): xj, gj, fj = point_j xj_id = xj.get_name() if xj_id is None: xj_id = "Point_{}".format(j) if point_i == point_j: for k in range(self.partition.get_nb_blocks()): self.tables_of_constraints["smoothness_convexity_block_{}".format(k)][i].append(0) else: for k in range(self.partition.get_nb_blocks()): # partial gradients for block k gik = self.partition.get_block(gi, k) gjk = self.partition.get_block(gj, k) # Necessary conditions for interpolation constraint = (fi - fj >= gj * (xi - xj) + 1 / (2 * self.L[k]) * (gik - gjk) ** 2) constraint.set_name("IC_{}_smoothness_convexity_block_{}({}, {})".format(function_id, k, xi_id, xj_id)) self.tables_of_constraints["smoothness_convexity_block_{}".format(k)][i].append(constraint) self.list_of_class_constraints.append(constraint)