Source code for PEPit.pep

import importlib.util

import numpy as np

from import prune_dict, symmetrize_dict

from PEPit.wrappers import WRAPPERS
from PEPit.point import Point
from PEPit.expression import Expression
from PEPit.constraint import Constraint
from PEPit.function import Function
from PEPit.psd_matrix import PSDMatrix
from PEPit.block_partition import BlockPartition

[docs] class PEP(object): """ The class :class:`PEP` is the main class of this framework. A :class:`PEP` object encodes a complete performance estimation problem. It stores the following information. Attributes: counter (int): counts the number of :class:`PEP` objects. Ideally, only one is defined at a time. list_of_functions (list): list of leaf :class:`Function` objects that are defined through the pipeline. list_of_points (list): list of :class:`Point` objects that are defined out of the scope of a :class:`Function`. Typically the initial :class:`Point`. list_of_constraints (list): list of :class:`Constraint` objects that are defined out of the scope of a :class:`Function`. Typically the initial :class:`Constraint`. list_of_performance_metrics (list): list of :class:`Expression` objects. The pep maximizes the minimum of all performance metrics. list_of_psd (list): list of :class:`PSDMatrix` objects. The PEP consider the associated LMI constraints psd_matrix >> 0. wrapper_name (str): name of the used wrapper. wrapper (Wrapper): :class:`Wrapper` object that interfaces between the :class:`PEP` and the solver. _list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper (list): list of :class:`Constraint` objects sent to the wrapper. _list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper (list): list of :class:`PSDMatrix` objects sent to the wrapper. objective (Expression): the expression to be maximized by the solver. It is set by the method `solve`. And should not be updated otherwise. G_value (ndarray): the value of the Gram matrix G that the solver found. F_value (ndarray): the value of the vector of :class:`Expression`s F that the solver found. residual (ndarray): the dual value found by the solver to the lmi constraints G >> 0. """ # Class counter. # It counts the number of PEP defined instantiated. counter = 0 def __init__(self): """ A :class:`PEP` object can be instantiated without any argument Example: >>> pep = PEP() """ # Set all counters to 0 to recreate # points, expressions, functions and block partitions from scratch at the beginning of each PEP. self._reset_classes() # Update the class counter self.counter = PEP.counter PEP.counter += 1 # Initialize list of functions, # points and constraints that are independent of the functions, # as well as the list of matrices that must be constraint to be positive symmetric definite # and the list of performance metrics. # The PEP will maximize the minimum of the latter. self.list_of_functions = list() self.list_of_points = list() self.list_of_constraints = list() self.list_of_performance_metrics = list() self.list_of_psd = list() # Initialize wrapper information # The wrapper will be determined in the method "solve". self.wrapper_name = None self.wrapper = None # Initialize lists of constraints that will be sent to the wrapper to solve the SDP. # Those lists should not be updated by hand, only the solve method does update them. self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper = list() self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper = list() # The attribute objective will contain a leaf Expression when set in the method "solve". self.objective = None # The Gram matrix G and the vector of Expressions F will obtain value from the solver, # stored in the 2 following attributes. # From those values, all Points and Expressions receive a primal value. self.G_value = None self.F_value = None # All PEP Constraints receive also a dual value. # The constraint G >= 0 is the only constraint that is not defined from the class Constraint. # Its dual value, called residual, is then stored in the following attribute. self.residual = None @staticmethod def _reset_classes(): """ Reset all classes attributes to initial values when instantiating a new :class:`PEP` object. """ BlockPartition.counter = 0 BlockPartition.list_of_partitions = list() Constraint.counter = 0 Expression.counter = 0 Expression.list_of_leaf_expressions = list() Function.counter = 0 Function.list_of_functions = list() PEP.counter = 0 Point.counter = 0 Point.list_of_leaf_points = list() PSDMatrix.counter = 0
[docs] def declare_function(self, function_class, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a leaf :class:`Function` and store it in the attribute `list_of_functions`. Args: function_class (class): a subclass of :class:`Function` that overwrite the `add_class_constraints` method. kwargs (dict): dictionary of parameters that characterize the function class. Can also contain the boolean `reuse_gradient`, that enforces using only one subgradient per point. Returns: f (Function): the newly created function. """ # Create the function f = function_class(is_leaf=True, decomposition_dict=None, **kwargs) # Store it in list_of_functions self.list_of_functions.append(f) # Return it return f
[docs] def set_initial_point(self, name=None): """ Create a new leaf :class:`Point` and store it in the attribute `list_of_points`. Args: name (str, optional): name of the object. Not overwriting is None. None by default. Returns: x (Point): the newly created :class:`Point`. """ # Create a new point from scratch x = Point(is_leaf=True, decomposition_dict=None) # Set name if name is not None: x.set_name(name=name) # Store it in list_of_points self.list_of_points.append(x) # Return it return x
[docs] def set_initial_condition(self, condition, name=None): """ Store a new :class:`Constraint` to the list of constraints of this :class:`PEP`. Typically, a condition of the form :math:`\\|x_0 - x_\\star\\|^2 \\leq 1`. Args: condition (Constraint): typically resulting from a comparison of 2 :class:`Expression` objects. name (str, optional): name of the object. Not overwriting is None. None by default. Raises: AssertionError: if provided `constraint` is not a :class:`Constraint` object. """ # Set name if name is not None: condition.set_name(name=name) # Call add_constraint method self.add_constraint(constraint=condition)
[docs] def add_constraint(self, constraint, name=None): """ Store a new :class:`Constraint` to the list of constraints of this :class:`PEP`. Args: constraint (Constraint): typically resulting from a comparison of 2 :class:`Expression` objects. name (str, optional): name of the object. Not overwriting is None. None by default. Raises: AssertionError: if provided `constraint` is not a :class:`Constraint` object. """ # Verify constraint is an actual Constraint object assert isinstance(constraint, Constraint) # Set name if name is not None: constraint.set_name(name=name) # Add constraint to the list of self's constraints self.list_of_constraints.append(constraint)
[docs] def add_psd_matrix(self, matrix_of_expressions, name=None): """ Store a new matrix of :class:`Expression`\s that we enforce to be positive semi-definite. Args: matrix_of_expressions (Iterable of Iterable of Expression): a square matrix of :class:`Expression`. name (str, optional): name of the object. Not overwriting is None. None by default. Returns: (PSDMatrix) the :class:`PSDMatrix` to be added to the :class:`PEP`. Raises: AssertionError: if provided matrix is not a square matrix. TypeError: if provided matrix does not contain only Expressions. """ if isinstance(matrix_of_expressions, PSDMatrix): matrix = matrix_of_expressions else: matrix = PSDMatrix(matrix_of_expressions=matrix_of_expressions) # Set name if name is not None: matrix.set_name(name=name) # Add constraint to the list of self's constraints self.list_of_psd.append(matrix) return matrix
[docs] @staticmethod def declare_block_partition(d): """ Instantiate a :class:`BlockPartition` and store it in the attribute `list_of_partitions`. Args: d (int): number of blocks in the :class:`BlockPartition`. Returns: block_partition (BlockPartition): the newly created partition. """ # Create the partition block_partition = BlockPartition(d) # Return it return block_partition
[docs] def set_performance_metric(self, expression, name=None): """ Store a performance metric in the attribute `list_of_performance_metrics`. The objective of the PEP (which is maximized) is the minimum of the elements of `list_of_performance_metrics`. Args: expression (Expression): a new performance metric. name (str, optional): name of the object. Not overwriting is None. None by default. """ assert isinstance(expression, Expression) # Set name if name is not None: expression.set_name(name=name) # Store performance metric in the appropriate list self.list_of_performance_metrics.append(expression)
[docs] def solve(self, wrapper="cvxpy", return_primal_or_dual="dual", verbose=1, dimension_reduction_heuristic=None, eig_regularization=1e-3, tol_dimension_reduction=1e-4, **kwargs): """ Transform the :class:`PEP` under the SDP form, and solve it. Parse the options for solving the SDPs, instantiate the concerning wrappers and call the main internal solve option for solving the PEP. Args: wrapper (str, optional): Reference to a solver, interfaced by a :class:`PEPit.Wrapper`. Default is "cvxpy", other native option include "mosek". return_primal_or_dual (str, optional): If "dual", it returns a worst-case upper bound of the PEP (dual value of the objective). If "primal", it returns a worst-case lower bound of the PEP (primal value of the objective). Default is "dual". Note both value should be almost the same by strong duality. verbose (int, optional): Level of information details to print (Override the solver verbose parameter). - 0: No verbose at all - 1: PEPit information is printed but not solver's - 2: Both PEPit and solver details are printed dimension_reduction_heuristic (str, optional): An heuristic to reduce the dimension of the solution (rank of the Gram matrix). Set to None to deactivate it (default value). Available heuristics are: - "trace": minimize :math:`Tr(G)` - "logdet{an integer n}": minimize :math:`\\log\\left(\\mathrm{Det}(G)\\right)` using n iterations of local approximation problems. eig_regularization (float, optional): The regularization we use to make :math:`G + \\mathrm{eig_regularization}I_d \succ 0`. (only used when "dimension_reduction_heuristic" is not None) The default value is 1e-5. tol_dimension_reduction (float, optional): The error tolerance in the heuristic minimization problem. Precisely, the second problem minimizes "optimal_value - tol" (only used when "dimension_reduction_heuristic" is not None) The default value is 1e-5. kwargs (keywords, optional): Additional solver-specific arguments. Returns: float: Worst case guarantee of the PEP. """ wrapper_name = wrapper.lower() # Check that the solver is installed, if it is not, switch to CVXPY. found_python_package = importlib.util.find_spec(wrapper_name) if found_python_package is None: if verbose: print('\033[96m(PEPit) {} not found in system environment,' ' switching to cvxpy\033[0m'.format(wrapper_name)) wrapper_name = "cvxpy" # Initiate a wrapper to interface with the solver wrapper = WRAPPERS[wrapper_name](verbose=verbose) # Check that a valid license to the solver is found. Otherwise, switch to CVXPY. if not wrapper.check_license(): if verbose: print('\033[96m(PEPit) No valid {} license found, switching to cvxpy\033[96m'.format(wrapper_name)) wrapper_name = "cvxpy" wrapper = WRAPPERS[wrapper_name](verbose=verbose) # Store wrapper information in self self.wrapper_name = wrapper_name self.wrapper = wrapper # Call the internal solve methods, which formulates and solves the PEP via the SDP solver. out = self._solve_with_wrapper(wrapper, verbose, return_primal_or_dual, dimension_reduction_heuristic, eig_regularization, tol_dimension_reduction, **kwargs) return out
def _solve_with_wrapper(self, wrapper, verbose=1, return_primal_or_dual="dual", dimension_reduction_heuristic=None, eig_regularization=1e-3, tol_dimension_reduction=1e-4, **kwargs): """ Internal solve method. Translate the :class:`PEP` to an SDP, and solve it via the wrapper. Args: wrapper (Wrapper): Interface to the solver. verbose (int, optional): Level of information details to print (Override the CVXPY solver verbose parameter). - 0: No verbose at all - 1: PEPit information is printed but not CVXPY's - 2: Both PEPit and solver details are printed return_primal_or_dual (str, optional): If "dual", it returns a worst-case upper bound of the PEP (dual value of the objective). If "primal", it returns a worst-case lower bound of the PEP (primal value of the objective). Default is "dual". Note both value should be almost the same by strong duality. dimension_reduction_heuristic (str, optional): An heuristic to reduce the dimension of the solution (rank of the Gram matrix). Set to None to deactivate it (default value). Available heuristics are: - "trace": minimize :math:`Tr(G)` - "logdet{an integer n}": minimize :math:`\\log\\left(\\mathrm{Det}(G)\\right)` using n iterations of local approximation problems. eig_regularization (float, optional): The regularization we use to make :math:`G + \\mathrm{eig_regularization}I_d \succ 0`. (only used when "dimension_reduction_heuristic" is not None) The default value is 1e-5. tol_dimension_reduction (float, optional): The error tolerance in the heuristic minimization problem. Precisely, the second problem minimizes "optimal_value - tol" (only used when "dimension_reduction_heuristic" is not None) The default value is 1e-5. kwargs (keywords, optional): Additional solver-specific arguments. Returns: float: Worst-case guarantee of the PEP. """ # Create an expression that serve for the objective (min of the performance measures) self.objective = Expression(is_leaf=True) # Store functions that have class constraints as well as functions that have personal constraints list_of_leaf_functions = [function for function in Function.list_of_functions if function.get_is_leaf()] list_of_functions_with_constraints = [function for function in Function.list_of_functions if len(function.list_of_constraints) > 0 or len(function.list_of_psd) > 0] # Create all class constraints for function in list_of_leaf_functions: function.set_class_constraints() # Create all partition constraints for partition in BlockPartition.list_of_partitions: partition.add_partition_constraints() # Report the creation of variables (G,F) if verbose: print('(PEPit) Setting up the problem:' ' size of the Gram matrix: {}x{}'.format(Point.counter, Point.counter)) wrapper.set_main_variables() # Initialize the lists of constraints sent to wrapper self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper = list() self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper = list() # Defining performance metrics # Note maximizing the minimum of all the performance metrics # is equivalent to maximize objective which is constraint to be smaller than all the performance metrics. for performance_metric in self.list_of_performance_metrics: assert isinstance(performance_metric, Expression) performance_metric_constraint = (self.objective <= performance_metric) wrapper.send_constraint_to_solver(performance_metric_constraint) self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper.append(performance_metric_constraint) if verbose: print('(PEPit) Setting up the problem:' ' performance measure is the minimum of {} element(s)'.format(len(self.list_of_performance_metrics))) # Defining initial conditions and general constraints if verbose: print('(PEPit) Setting up the problem: Adding initial conditions and general constraints ...') for condition in self.list_of_constraints: wrapper.send_constraint_to_solver(condition) self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper.append(condition) if verbose: print('(PEPit) Setting up the problem:' ' initial conditions and general constraints ({} constraint(s) added)'.format( len(self.list_of_constraints))) # Defining general lmi constraints if len(self.list_of_psd) > 0: if verbose: print('(PEPit) Setting up the problem: {} lmi constraint(s) added'.format(len(self.list_of_psd))) for psd_counter, psd_matrix in enumerate(self.list_of_psd): wrapper.send_lmi_constraint_to_solver(psd_counter, psd_matrix) self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper.append(psd_matrix) # Defining class constraints if verbose: print('(PEPit) Setting up the problem:' ' interpolation conditions for {} function(s)'.format(len(list_of_leaf_functions))) function_counter = 0 for function in list_of_leaf_functions: function_counter += 1 if verbose: print('\t\t\tFunction', function_counter, ':', 'Adding', len(function.list_of_class_constraints), 'scalar constraint(s) ...') for constraint in function.list_of_class_constraints: wrapper.send_constraint_to_solver(constraint) self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper.append(constraint) if verbose: print('\t\t\tFunction', function_counter, ':', len(function.list_of_class_constraints), 'scalar constraint(s) added') if len(function.list_of_class_psd) > 0: if verbose: print('\t\t\tFunction', function_counter, ':', 'Adding', len(function.list_of_class_psd), 'lmi constraint(s) ...') for psd_counter, psd_matrix in enumerate(function.list_of_class_psd): wrapper.send_lmi_constraint_to_solver(psd_counter, psd_matrix) self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper.append(psd_matrix) if verbose: print('\t\t\tFunction', function_counter, ':', len(function.list_of_class_psd), 'lmi constraint(s) added') # Other function constraints if verbose: print('(PEPit) Setting up the problem:' ' additional constraints for {} function(s)'.format(len(list_of_functions_with_constraints))) function_counter = 0 for function in list_of_functions_with_constraints: function_counter += 1 if len(function.list_of_constraints) > 0: if verbose: print('\t\t\tFunction', function_counter, ':', 'Adding', len(function.list_of_constraints), 'scalar constraint(s) ...') for constraint in function.list_of_constraints: wrapper.send_constraint_to_solver(constraint) self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper.append(constraint) if verbose: print('\t\t\tFunction', function_counter, ':', len(function.list_of_constraints), 'scalar constraint(s) added') if len(function.list_of_psd) > 0: if verbose: print('\t\t function', function_counter, ':', 'Adding', len(function.list_of_psd), 'lmi constraint(s) ...') for psd_counter, psd_matrix in enumerate(function.list_of_psd): wrapper.send_lmi_constraint_to_solver(psd_counter, psd_matrix) self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper.append(psd_matrix) if verbose: print('\t\t\tFunction', function_counter, ':', len(function.list_of_psd), 'lmi constraint(s) added') # Defining block partition constraints if verbose and len(BlockPartition.list_of_partitions) > 0: print( '(PEPit) Setting up the problem: {} partition(s) added'.format(len(BlockPartition.list_of_partitions))) partition_counter = 0 for partition in BlockPartition.list_of_partitions: partition_counter += 1 if verbose: print('\t\t\tPartition', partition_counter, 'with', partition.get_nb_blocks(), 'blocks: Adding', len(partition.list_of_constraints), 'scalar constraint(s)...') for constraint in partition.list_of_constraints: wrapper.send_constraint_to_solver(constraint) self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper.append(constraint) if verbose: print('\t\t\tPartition', partition_counter, 'with', partition.get_nb_blocks(), 'blocks:', len(partition.list_of_constraints), 'scalar constraint(s) added') # Instantiate the problem if verbose: print('(PEPit) Compiling SDP') wrapper.generate_problem(self.objective) # Solve it if verbose: print('(PEPit) Calling SDP solver') solver_status, solver_name, wc_value = wrapper.solve(**kwargs) if verbose: print('(PEPit) Solver status: {} (wrapper:{}, solver: {}); optimal value: {}'.format(solver_status, self.wrapper_name, solver_name, wc_value)) # Raise explicit error when wc_value in infinite if wc_value is None: if verbose: print("\033[96m(PEPit) Problem issue: PEPit didn't find any nontrivial worst-case guarantee. " "It seems that the optimal value of your problem is unbounded.\033[0m") # Skip the following as no variable has a value return wc_value # Keep dual values before dimension reduction in memory # Dimension aims at finding low dimension lower bound functions, # but solves a different problem with an extra condition and different objective, # leading to different dual values. The ones we store here provide the proof of the obtained guarantee. self.residual = wrapper.assign_dual_values() G_value, F_value = wrapper.get_primal_variables() # Perform a dimension reduction if required if dimension_reduction_heuristic: # Print the estimated dimension before dimension reduction nb_eigenvalues, eig_threshold, corrected_G_value = self.get_nb_eigenvalues_and_corrected_matrix(G_value) wrapper.prepare_heuristic(wc_value, tol_dimension_reduction) if verbose: print('(PEPit) Postprocessing: {} eigenvalue(s) > {} before dimension reduction'.format(nb_eigenvalues, eig_threshold)) print('(PEPit) Calling SDP solver') # Translate the heuristic into the objective and solve the associated problem if dimension_reduction_heuristic == "trace": wrapper.heuristic(np.identity(Point.counter)) solver_status, solver_name, wc_value = wrapper.solve(**kwargs) # Compute minimal number of dimensions G_value, F_value = wrapper.get_primal_variables() nb_eigenvalues, eig_threshold, corrected_G_value = self.get_nb_eigenvalues_and_corrected_matrix(G_value) elif dimension_reduction_heuristic.startswith("logdet"): niter = int(dimension_reduction_heuristic[6:]) for i in range(1, 1 + niter): W = np.linalg.inv(corrected_G_value + eig_regularization * np.eye(Point.counter)) wrapper.heuristic(W) solver_status, solver_name, wc_value = wrapper.solve(**kwargs) # Compute minimal number of dimensions G_value, F_value = wrapper.get_primal_variables() nb_eigenvalues, eig_threshold, corrected_G_value = self.get_nb_eigenvalues_and_corrected_matrix( G_value) # Print the estimated dimension after niter dimension reduction steps if verbose: print('(PEPit) Solver status: {} (solver: {});' ' objective value: {}'.format(solver_status, solver_name, wc_value)) print( '(PEPit) Postprocessing: {} eigenvalue(s) > {} after {} dimension reduction step(s)'.format( nb_eigenvalues, eig_threshold, i)) else: raise ValueError("The argument \'dimension_reduction_heuristic\' must be \'trace\'" "or \`logdet\` followed by an integer." "Got {}".format(dimension_reduction_heuristic)) # Print the estimated dimension after dimension reduction if verbose: print('(PEPit) Solver status: {} (solver: {});' ' objective value: {}'.format(solver_status, solver_name, wc_value)) print('(PEPit) Postprocessing: {} eigenvalue(s) > {} after dimension reduction'.format(nb_eigenvalues, eig_threshold)) # Store all the values of points and function values self.G_value = G_value self.F_value = F_value self._eval_points_and_function_values(F_value, G_value, verbose=verbose) dual_objective = self.check_feasibility(wc_value, verbose=verbose) # Return the value of the minimal performance metric if return_primal_or_dual == "dual": return dual_objective elif return_primal_or_dual == "primal": return wc_value else: raise ValueError("The argument \'return_primal_or_dual\' must be \'dual\' or \`primal\`." "Got {}".format(return_primal_or_dual))
[docs] def check_feasibility(self, wc_value, verbose=1): """ Check primal feasibility and display precision. Check dual feasibility and display precision. Compute and display primal-dual gap. Args: wc_value (float): the primal value of the PEP objective returned by the solver. verbose (int, optional): If larger or equal than 1, print intermediate information. Returns: (float): the dual value of the PEP objective. Notes: The dual feasibility consists in - verifying that the dual values associated to inequality constraints are nonnegative, - and verifying that the residual corresponds to the right linear combination of the constraints. The second point essentially means that verifying the dual feasibility consists in reconstructing the proof. """ ################################################################################################################ #################################################### Primal #################################################### ################################################################################################################ if verbose: print("(PEPit) Primal feasibility check:") # Verify that the given wc_value corresponds to the objective value assert wc_value == self.objective.eval() # Grab the smallest eigenvalue of G G_min_eig_val = np.min(np.linalg.eigh(self.G_value)[0]) if verbose: message = "\t\tThe solver found a Gram matrix that is positive semi-definite" if G_min_eig_val < 0: message += " up to an error of {}".format(-G_min_eig_val) print(message) # Grab the smallest eigenvalue of all the PSD matrices if self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper: psd_min_eig_val = np.min([np.min(np.linalg.eigh(psd_matrix.eval())[0]) for psd_matrix in self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper]) if verbose: message = "\t\tAll required PSD matrices are indeed positive semi-definite" if psd_min_eig_val < 0: message += " up to an error of {}".format(-psd_min_eig_val) print(message) # Get the max value of all transgression of the constraints if self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper: max_constraint_error = np.max( [constraint.eval() for constraint in self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper if constraint.equality_or_inequality == "inequality"] + [np.abs(constraint.eval()) for constraint in self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper if constraint.equality_or_inequality == "equality"] ) if verbose: message = "\t\tAll the primal scalar constraints are verified" if max_constraint_error > 0: message += " up to an error of {}".format(max_constraint_error) print(message) ################################################################################################################ ##################################################### Dual ##################################################### ################################################################################################################ if verbose: print("(PEPit) Dual feasibility check:") # Verify that all dual variables are nonnegative. # Moreover, linear combination of the constraints with the right coefficients should lead to objective <= tau # Residual >= 0 residual_min_eig_val = np.min(np.linalg.eigh(self.residual)[0]) if verbose: message = "\t\tThe solver found a residual matrix that is positive semi-definite" if residual_min_eig_val < 0: message += " up to an error of {}".format(-residual_min_eig_val) print(message) # - <Gram, residual> <= 0 constraints_combination =,, Point.list_of_leaf_points)) # LMI constraints # Dual >= 0 if self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper: lmi_dual_min_eig_val = np.min([np.min(np.linalg.eigh(psd_matrix.eval_dual())[0]) for psd_matrix in self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper]) if verbose: message = "\t\tAll the dual matrices to lmi are positive semi-definite" if lmi_dual_min_eig_val < 0: message += " up to an error of {}".format(-lmi_dual_min_eig_val) print(message) # - <psd_matrix, lmi_dual> <= 0 for psd_matrix in self._list_of_psd_sent_to_wrapper: constraints_combination -= np.sum(psd_matrix.eval_dual() * psd_matrix.matrix_of_expressions) # Scalar constraints # Dual of inequality constraints >= 0 inequality_constraint_dual_values = [constraint.eval_dual() for constraint in self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper if constraint.equality_or_inequality == "inequality"] if inequality_constraint_dual_values: inequality_constraint_dual_min_value = np.min(inequality_constraint_dual_values) if verbose: message = "\t\tAll the dual scalar values associated with inequality constraints are nonnegative" if inequality_constraint_dual_min_value < 0: message += " up to an error of {}".format(-inequality_constraint_dual_min_value) print(message) # + <expression, dual> <= 0 for constraint in self._list_of_constraints_sent_to_wrapper: constraints_combination += constraint.eval_dual() * constraint.expression # Proof reconstruction # At this stage, constraints_combination must be equal to "objective - tau" # which constitutes the proof as it has to be non-positive. # Compute an expression that should be exactly equal to the constant tau. dual_objective_expression = self.objective - constraints_combination # Operation over the decomposition dict of dual_objective_expression dual_objective_expression_decomposition_dict = prune_dict( symmetrize_dict( dual_objective_expression.decomposition_dict ) ) # Get the actual dual_objective from its dict if 1 in dual_objective_expression_decomposition_dict.keys(): dual_objective = dual_objective_expression_decomposition_dict[1] else: dual_objective = 0. # Compute the remaining terms, that should be small and only due to numerical stability errors remaining_terms = np.sum(np.abs([value for key, value in dual_objective_expression_decomposition_dict.items() if key != 1])) if verbose: message = "(PEPit) The worst-case guarantee proof is perfectly reconstituted" if remaining_terms > 0: message += " up to an error of {}".format(remaining_terms) print(message) ################################################################################################################ ################################################## Duality Gap ################################################# ################################################################################################################ absolute_duality_gap = dual_objective - wc_value if verbose: print('(PEPit) Final upper bound (dual): {} and lower bound (primal example): {} '.format(dual_objective, wc_value)) if wc_value != 0: relative_duality_gap = (dual_objective - wc_value) / wc_value if verbose: print('(PEPit) Duality gap: absolute: {} and relative: {}'.format(absolute_duality_gap, relative_duality_gap)) else: relative_duality_gap = 0 if abs(absolute_duality_gap) > 10**-3 and abs(relative_duality_gap) > 10**-6: message = "\033[96m(PEPit) Warning: the duality gap seems surprisingly large" if absolute_duality_gap < 0: message += " and negative" message += ".\n\t\tThe solver might not have converged properly.\n"\ "\t\tWe recommend to use another solver for confirmation.\033[0m" print(message) return dual_objective
[docs] @staticmethod def get_nb_eigenvalues_and_corrected_matrix(M): """ Compute the number of True non-zero eigenvalues of M, and recompute M with corrected eigenvalues. Args: M (nd.array): a 2 dimensional array, supposedly symmetric. Returns: nb_eigenvalues (int): The number of eigenvalues of M estimated to be strictly positive zero. eig_threshold (float): The threshold used to determine whether an eigenvalue is 0 or not. corrected_S (nd.array): Updated M with zero eigenvalues instead of small ones. """ # Symmetrize M to get rid of small computation errors. S = (M + M.T) / 2 # Get eig_val and eig_vec. eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eigh(S) # Get the right threshold to use. eig_threshold = max(np.max(eig_val) / 1e3, 2 * np.max(-eig_val)) # Correct eig_val accordingly. non_zero_eig_vals = eig_val >= eig_threshold nb_eigenvalues = int(np.sum(non_zero_eig_vals)) nb_zeros = M.shape[0] - nb_eigenvalues corrected_eig_val = non_zero_eig_vals * eig_val # Recompute M (or S) accordingly. corrected_S = eig_vec @ np.diag(corrected_eig_val) @ eig_vec.T # Get the highest eigenvalue that has been set to 0, if any. eig_threshold = 0 if nb_zeros > 0: eig_threshold = max(np.max(eig_val[non_zero_eig_vals == 0]), 0) return nb_eigenvalues, eig_threshold, corrected_S
def _eval_points_and_function_values(self, F_value, G_value, verbose=1): """ Store values of :class:`Point` and :class:`Expression objects at optimum after the PEP has been solved. Args: F_value (nd.array): value of the cvxpy variable F G_value (nd.array): value of the cvxpy variable G verbose (int, optional): If larger or equal than 1, print intermediate information. Raises: TypeError if some matrix in `self.list_of_psd` contains some entry that :class:`Expression` objects composed of other things than leaf :class:`Expression`s or tuple of :class:`Points`. """ # Write the gram matrix G as M.T M to extract points' values eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eigh(G_value) # Verify negative eigenvalues are only precision mistakes and get rid of negative eigenvalues if np.min(eig_val) < 0: if verbose: print("\033[96m(PEPit) Postprocessing: solver\'s output is not entirely feasible" " (smallest eigenvalue of the Gram matrix is: {:.3} < 0).\n" " Small deviation from 0 may simply be due to numerical error." " Big ones should be deeply investigated.\n" " In any case, from now the provided values of parameters are based on the projection of the Gram" " matrix onto the cone of symmetric semi-definite matrix.\033[0m".format(np.min(eig_val))) eig_val = np.maximum(eig_val, 0) # Extracts points values points_values = np.linalg.qr((np.sqrt(eig_val) * eig_vec).T, mode='r') # Iterate over point and function value # Set the attribute value of all leaf variables to the right value # Note the other ones are not stored until user asks to eval them for point in Point.list_of_leaf_points: point._value = points_values[:, point.counter] for expression in Expression.list_of_leaf_expressions: expression._value = F_value[expression.counter] for matrix in self.list_of_psd: size = matrix.shape[0] for i in range(size): for j in range(size): expression = matrix[i, j] if expression.get_is_leaf(): expression._value = F_value[expression.counter] else: for sub_expression in expression.decomposition_dict: # Distinguish 3 cases: function values, inner products, and constant values if type(sub_expression) == Expression: assert sub_expression.get_is_leaf() sub_expression._value = F_value[sub_expression.counter] elif type(sub_expression) == tuple: point1, point2 = sub_expression assert point1.get_is_leaf() assert point2.get_is_leaf() point1._value = points_values[:, point1.counter] point2._value = points_values[:, point2.counter] elif sub_expression == 1: pass # Raise Exception out of those 3 cases else: raise TypeError( "Expressions are made of function values, inner products and constants only!" "Got {}".format(type(sub_expression)))