Source code for PEPit.primitive_steps.exact_linesearch_step

from PEPit.point import Point

[docs] def exact_linesearch_step(x0, f, directions): """ This routine outputs some :math:`x` by *mimicking* an exact line/span search in specified directions. It is used for instance in ``PEPit.examples.unconstrained_convex_minimization.wc_gradient_exact_line_search`` and in ``PEPit.examples.unconstrained_convex_minimization.wc_conjugate_gradient``. The routine aims at mimicking the operation: .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} x & = & x_0 - \\sum_{i=1}^{T} \\gamma_i d_i,\\\\ \\text{with } \\overrightarrow{\\gamma} & = & \\arg\\min_\\overrightarrow{\\gamma} f\\left(x_0 - \\sum_{i=1}^{T} \\gamma_i d_i\\right), \\end{eqnarray} where :math:`T` denotes the number of directions :math:`d_i`. This operation can equivalently be described in terms of the following conditions: .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} x - x_0 & \\in & \\text{span}\\left\{d_1,\\ldots,d_T\\right\}, \\\\ \\nabla f(x) & \\perp & \\text{span}\\left\{d_1,\\ldots,d_T\\right\}. \\end{eqnarray} In this routine, we instead constrain :math:`x_{t}` and :math:`\\nabla f(x_{t})` to satisfy .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} \\forall i=1,\\ldots,T: & \\left< \\nabla f(x);\, d_i \\right> & = & 0,\\\\ \\text{and } & \\left< \\nabla f(x);\, x - x_0 \\right> & = & 0, \\end{eqnarray} which is a relaxation of the true line/span search conditions. Note: The latest condition is automatically implied by the 2 previous ones. Warning: One can notice this routine does not encode completely the fact that :math:`x_{t+1} - x_t` must be a linear combination of the provided directions (i.e., this routine performs a relaxation). Therefore, if this routine is included in a PEP, the obtained value might be an upper bound on the true worst-case value. Although not always tight, this relaxation is often observed to deliver pretty accurate results (in particular, it automatically produces tight results under some specific conditions, see, e.g., [1]). Two such examples are provided in the `conjugate gradient` and `gradient with exact line search` example files. References: `[1] Y. Drori and A. Taylor (2020). Efficient first-order methods for convex minimization: a constructive approach. Mathematical Programming 184 (1), 183-220. <>`_ Args: x0 (Point): the starting point. f (Function): the function on which the (sub)gradient will be evaluated. directions (List of Points): the list of all directions required to be orthogonal to the (sub)gradient of x. Returns: x (Point): such that all vectors in directions are orthogonal to the (sub)gradient of f at x. gx (Point): a (sub)gradient of f at x. fx (Expression): the function f evaluated at x. """ # Instantiate a Point x = Point() # Define gradient and function value of f on x gx, fx = # Add constraints constraint = ((x - x0) * gx == 0) constraint.set_name("exact_linesearch({})_on_{}".format(f.get_name(), x0.get_name())) f.add_constraint(constraint) for d in directions: constraint = (d * gx == 0) constraint.set_name("exact_linesearch({})_on_{}_in_direction_{}".format(f.get_name(), x0.get_name(), d.get_name())) f.add_constraint(constraint) # Return triplet of points return x, gx, fx