Source code for PEPit.primitive_steps.inexact_gradient_step

from PEPit.point import Point

[docs] def inexact_gradient_step(x0, f, gamma, epsilon, notion='absolute'): """ This routine performs a step :math:`x \\leftarrow x_0 - \\gamma d_{x_0}` where :math:`d_{x_0}` is close to the gradient of :math:`f` in :math:`x_0` in the following sense: .. math:: \\|d_{x_0} - \\nabla f(x_0)\\|^2 \\leqslant \\left\{ \\begin{eqnarray} & \\varepsilon^2 & \\text{if notion is set to 'absolute'}, \\\\ & \\varepsilon^2 \\|\\nabla f(x_0)\\|^2 & \\text{if notion is set to 'relative'}. \\end{eqnarray} \\right. This relative approximation is used at least in 3 PEPit examples, in particular in 2 unconstrained convex minimizations: an inexact gradient descent, and an inexact accelerated gradient. References: `[1] E. De Klerk, F. Glineur, A. Taylor (2020). Worst-case convergence analysis of inexact gradient and Newton methods through semidefinite programming performance estimation. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(3), 2053-2082. <>`_ Args: x0 (Point): starting point x0. f (Function): a function. gamma (float): the step size parameter. epsilon (float): the required accuracy. notion (string): defines the mode (absolute or relative inaccuracy). By default, notion='absolute'. Returns: x (Point): the output point. dx0 (Point): the approximate (sub)gradient of f at x0. fx0 (Expression): the value of the function f at x0. Raises: ValueError: if notion is not set in ['absolute', 'relative']. Note: When :math:`\\gamma` is set to 0, then this routine returns :math:`x_0`, :math:`d_{x_0}`, and :math:`f_{x_0}`. It is used as is in the example of unconstrained convex minimization scheme called "inexact gradient exact line search" only to access to the direction :math:`d_{x_0}` close to the gradient :math:`g_{x_0}`. """ # Get the gradient gx0 and function value fx0 of f in x0. gx0, fx0 = # Define dx0 as a proxy to gx0. dx0 = Point() if notion == 'absolute': constraint = ((gx0 - dx0) ** 2 - epsilon ** 2 <= 0) elif notion == 'relative': constraint = ((gx0 - dx0) ** 2 - epsilon ** 2 * (gx0 ** 2) <= 0) else: raise ValueError("inexact_gradient_step supports only notion in ['absolute', 'relative']," " got {}".format(notion)) # Add constraint to list of constraints. constraint.set_name("inexact_gradient_step({})_on_{}".format(f.get_name(), x0.get_name())) f.add_constraint(constraint) # Perform an inexact gradient step in the direction dx0. x = x0 - gamma * dx0 # Return the newly obtained point, the direction of descent and the value of f in x0. return x, dx0, fx0