Source code for PEPit.primitive_steps.inexact_proximal_step

from PEPit.point import Point
from PEPit.expression import Expression

[docs] def inexact_proximal_step(x0, f, gamma, opt='PD_gapII'): """ This routine encodes an inexact proximal operation with step size :math:`\\gamma`. That is, it outputs a tuple :math:`(x, g\\in \\partial f(x), f(x), w, v\\in\\partial f(w), f(w), \\varepsilon)` which are described as follows. First, :math:`x` is an approximation to the proximal point of :math:`x_0` on function :math:`f`: .. math:: x \\approx \\mathrm{prox}_{\\gamma f}(x_0)\\triangleq\\arg\\min_x \\left\\{ \\gamma f(x) + \\frac{1}{2}\\|x-x_0\\|^2\\right\\}, where the meaning of :math:`\\approx` depends on the option "opt" and is explained below. The notions of inaccuracy implemented within this routine are specified using primal and dual proximal problems, denoted by .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} &\\Phi^{(p)}_{\\gamma f}(x; x_0) \\triangleq \\gamma f(x) + \\frac{1}{2}\\|x-x_0\\|^2,\\\\ &\\Phi^{(d)}_{\\gamma f}(v; x_0) \\triangleq -\\gamma f^*(v)-\\frac{1}{2}\\|x_0-\\gamma v\\|^2 + \\frac{1}{2}\\|x_0\\|^2,\\\\ \\end{eqnarray} where :math:`\\Phi^{(p)}_{\\gamma f}(x;x_0)` and :math:`\\Phi^{(d)}_{\\gamma f}(v;x_0)` respectively denote the primal and the dual proximal problems, and where :math:`f^*` is the Fenchel conjugate of :math:`f`. The options below encode different meanings of ":math:`\\approx`" by specifying accuracy requirements on primal-dual pairs: .. math:: (x,v) \\approx_{\\varepsilon} \\left(\\mathrm{prox}_{\\gamma f}(x_0),\\,\mathrm{prox}_{f^*/\\gamma}(x_0/\\gamma)\\right), where :math:`\\approx_{\\varepsilon}` corresponds to require the primal-dual pair :math:`(x,v)` to satisfy some primal-dual accuracy requirement: .. math:: \\Phi^{(p)}_{\\gamma f}(x;x_0)-\\Phi^{(d)}_{\\gamma f}(v;x_0) \\leqslant \\varepsilon, where :math:`\\varepsilon\\geqslant 0` is the error magnitude, which is returned to the user so that one can constrain it to be bounded by some other values. **Relation to the exact proximal operation:** In the exact case (no error in the computation, :math:`\\varepsilon=0`), :math:`v` corresponds to the solution of the dual proximal problem and one can write .. math:: x = x_0-\\gamma g, with :math:`g=v=\mathrm{prox}_{f^*/\\gamma}(x_0/\\gamma)\\in\\partial f(x)`, and :math:`x=w`. **Reformulation of the primal-dual gap:** In regard with the exact proximal computation; the inexact case under consideration here can be described as performing .. math:: x = x_0-\\gamma v + e, where :math:`v` is an :math:`\\epsilon`-subgradient of :math:`f` at :math:`x` (notation :math:`v\\in\\partial_{\\epsilon} f(x)`) and :math:`e` is some additional computation error. Those elements allow for a common convenient reformulation of the primal-dual gap, written in terms of the magnitudes of :math:`\\epsilon` and of :math:`e`: .. math:: \\Phi^{(p)}_{\\gamma f}(x;x_0)-\\Phi^{(d)}_{\\gamma f}(v;x_0) = \\frac{1}{2} \|e\|^2 + \\gamma \\epsilon. **Options:** The following options are available (a list of such choices is presented in [4]; we provide a reference for each of those choices below). - 'PD_gapI' : the constraint imposed on the output is the vanilla (see, e.g., [2]) .. math:: \\Phi^{(p)}_{\\gamma f}(x;x_0)-\\Phi^{(d)}_{\\gamma f}(v;x_0) \\leqslant \\varepsilon. This approximation requirement is used in one PEPit example: an accelerated inexact forward backward. - 'PD_gapII' : the constraint is stronger than the vanilla primal-dual gap, as more structure is imposed (see, e.g., [1,5]) : .. math:: \\Phi^{(p)}_{\\gamma f}(x;x_0)-\\Phi^{(d)}_{\\gamma f}(g;x_0) \\leqslant \\varepsilon, where we imposed that :math:`v\\triangleq g\\in\\partial f(x)` and :math:`w\\triangleq x`. This approximation requirement is used in two PEPit examples: in a relatively inexact proximal point algorithm and in a partially inexact Douglas-Rachford splitting. - 'PD_gapIII' : the constraint is stronger than the vanilla primal-dual gap, as more structure is imposed (see, e.g., [3]): .. math:: \\Phi^{(p)}_{\\gamma f}(x;x_0)-\\Phi^{(d)}_{\\gamma f}(\\tfrac{x_0 - x}{\\gamma};x_0) \\leqslant \\varepsilon, where we imposed that :math:`v \\triangleq \\frac{x_0 - x}{\\gamma}`. References: `[1] R.T. Rockafellar (1976). Monotone operators and the proximal point algorithm. SIAM journal on control and optimization, 14(5), 877-898. <>`_ `[2] R.D. Monteiro, B.F. Svaiter (2013). An accelerated hybrid proximal extragradient method for convex optimization and its implications to second-order methods. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 23(2), 1092-1125. <>`_ `[3] S. Salzo, S. Villa (2012). Inexact and accelerated proximal point algorithms. Journal of Convex analysis, 19(4), 1167-1192. <>`_ `[4] M. Barre, A. Taylor, F. Bach (2020). Principled analyses and design of first-order methods with inexact proximal operators. <>`_ `[5] A. d’Aspremont, D. Scieur, A. Taylor (2021). Acceleration Methods. Foundations and Trends in Optimization: Vol. 5, No. 1-2. <>`_ Args: x0 (Point): point for which we aim to compute an approximate proximal step. f (Function): function whose proximal operator is approximated. gamma (float): step size of the proximal step. opt (string): option (type of error requirement) among 'PD_gapI', 'PD_gapII', and 'PD_gapIII'. Returns: x (Point): the approximated proximal point. gx (Point): a (sub)gradient of f at x (subgradient used in evaluating the accuracy criterion). fx (Expression): f evaluated at x. w (Point): a point w such that v (see next output) is a subgradient of f at w. v (Point): the approximated proximal point of the dual problem, (sub)gradient of f evaluated at w. fw (Expression): f evaluated at w. eps_var (Expression): value of the primal-dual gap (which can be further bounded by the user). """ if opt == 'PD_gapI': # This option constrain x and v to satisfy the following primal-dual gap requirement # PD_gap(x,v) <= epsVar. v = Point() w = Point() fw = Expression() f.add_point((w, v, fw)) x = Point() gx = Point() fx = Expression() f.add_point((x, gx, fx)) eps_var = Expression() e = x - x0 + gamma * v eps_sub = fx - fw - v * (x - w) constraint = (e ** 2 / 2 + gamma * eps_sub <= eps_var) elif opt == 'PD_gapII': # This option constrain x to satisfy the following requirement: ||e||^2 / 2 <= epsVar, # with x = x_0 - gamma * g + e. e = Point() gx = Point() x = x0 - gamma * gx + e fx = Expression() f.add_point((x, gx, fx)) eps_var = Expression() constraint = (e ** 2 / 2 <= eps_var) w, v, fw = x, gx, fx elif opt == 'PD_gapIII': # This option constrain x, v, and w to satisfy the following requirement: # gamma * (fx - fw - v*(x - w)) <= epsVar x, gx, w = Point(), Point(), Point() v = (x0 - x) / gamma fw, fx = Expression(), Expression() f.add_point((x, gx, fx)) f.add_point((w, v, fw)) eps_var = Expression() eps_sub = fx - fw - v * (x - w) constraint = (gamma * eps_sub <= eps_var) else: raise ValueError("inexact_proximal_step supports only opt in ['PD_gapI', 'PD_gapII', 'PD_gapIII']," " got {}".format(opt)) # Add constraint to list of constraints constraint.set_name("inexact_proximal({})_on_{}".format(f.get_name(), x0.get_name())) f.add_constraint(constraint) return x, gx, fx, w, v, fw, eps_var