Source code for PEPit.primitive_steps.linear_optimization_step

from PEPit.point import Point
from PEPit.expression import Expression

[docs] def linear_optimization_step(dir, ind): """ This routine outputs the result of a minimization problem with linear objective (whose direction is provided by `dir`) on the domain of the (closed convex) indicator function `ind`. That is, it outputs a solution to .. math:: \\arg\\min_{\\text{ind}(x)=0} \\left< \\text{dir};\, x \\right>, One can notice that :math:`x` is solution of this problem if and only if .. math:: - \\text{dir} \\in \\partial \\text{ind}(x). References: [1] M .Frank, P. Wolfe (1956). An algorithm for quadratic programming. Naval research logistics quarterly, 3(1-2), 95-110. Args: dir (Point): direction of optimization ind (ConvexIndicatorFunction): convex indicator function Returns: x (Point): the optimal point. gx (Point): the (sub)gradient of ind on x. fx (Expression): the function value of ind on x. """ # Define triplet x, gradient, function value. x = Point() gx = - dir fx = Expression() # Store it in ind list of points. ind.add_point((x, gx, fx)) # Return triplet x, gradient, function value. return x, gx, fx