3. What’s new in PEPit 0.2.1

  • PSDMatrix can now be instantiated with a list of lists. Previously, the argument had to be a ndarray.

  • The attribute matrix_of_expression of PSDMatrix has been renamed to matrix_of_expressions.

  • Fix: Points that were not associated with Functions could be not evaluable after solving the PEP (See Issue #74).

    This has been fixed in PR #75.

  • Fix: Constraints on a function defined a linear combination of other functions were not taken into consideration.

    This has been fixed in PR #80.

  • The attributes list_of_constraints and list_of_psd of Function objects have respectively been splitted into list_of_constraints and list_of_class_constraints (the latter containing the interpolation constraints of the class of functions), and into list_of_psd and list_of_class_psd (the latter containing the lmi interpolation constraints of the class of functions). The 2 lists containing the interpolation constraints are filled when the PEP solver is called.

  • The attributes list_of_functions and list_of_points of the PEP objects are not used anymore in the pipeline. They still contains the same elements as in previous version of PEPit and can still be called for now. However, they will be removed in a future version of PEPit, therefore we discourage from using them. The full list of functions as well as the full list of points can respectively be obtained in Function.list_of_functions and Point.list_of_points.