2. Composite convex minimization

2.1. Proximal gradient

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_proximal_gradient(L, mu, gamma, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x)\},\]

where \(f_1\) is \(L\)-smooth and \(\mu\)-strongly convex, and where \(f_2\) is closed convex and proper.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the proximal gradient method (PGM). That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L, \mu)\) such that the guarantee

\[\|x_n - x_\star\|^2 \leqslant \tau(n, L, \mu) \|x_0 - x_\star\|^2,\]

is valid, where \(x_n\) is the output of the proximal gradient, and where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\). In short, for given values of \(n\), \(L\) and \(\mu\), \(\tau(n, L, \mu)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(\|x_n - x_\star\|^2\) when \(\|x_0 - x_\star\|^2 \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: Proximal gradient is described by

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray} y_t & = & x_t - \gamma \nabla f_1(x_t), \\ x_{t+1} & = & \arg\min_x \left\{f_2(x)+\frac{1}{2\gamma}\|x-y_t\|^2 \right\}, \end{eqnarray}\end{split}\]

for \(t \in \{ 0, \dots, n-1\}\) and where \(\gamma\) is a step-size.

Theoretical guarantee: It is well known that a tight guarantee for PGM is provided by

\[\|x_n - x_\star\|^2 \leqslant \max\{(1-L\gamma)^2,(1-\mu\gamma)^2\}^n \|x_0 - x_\star\|^2,\]

which can be found in, e.g., [1, Theorem 3.1]. It is a folk knowledge and the result can be found in many references for gradient descent; see, e.g.,[2, Section 1.4: Theorem 3], [3, Section 5.1] and [4, Section 4.4].


[1] A. Taylor, J. Hendrickx, F. Glineur (2018). Exact worst-case convergence rates of the proximal gradient method for composite convex minimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 178(2), 455-476.

[2] B. Polyak (1987). Introduction to Optimization. Optimization Software New York.

[1] E. Ryu, S. Boyd (2016). A primer on monotone operator methods. Applied and Computational Mathematics 15(1), 3-43.

[4] L. Lessard, B. Recht, A. Packard (2016). Analysis and design of optimization algorithms via integral quadratic constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization 26(1), 57–95.

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • gamma (float) – proximal step-size.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_proximal_gradient(L=1, mu=.1, gamma=1, n=2, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 7x7
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 2 function(s)
         function 1 : 6 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 6 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: SCS); optimal value: 0.6560999999942829
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Proximal Gradient Method in function values***
    PEPit guarantee:             ||x_n - x_*||^2 <= 0.6561 ||x0 - xs||^2
    Theoretical guarantee:       ||x_n - x_*||^2 <= 0.6561 ||x0 - xs||^2

2.2. Accelerated proximal gradient

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_accelerated_proximal_gradient(mu, L, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f(x) + h(x)\},\]

where \(f\) is \(L\)-smooth and \(\mu\)-strongly convex, and where \(h\) is closed convex and proper.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the accelerated proximal gradient method, also known as fast proximal gradient (FPGM) method. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L, \mu)\) such that the guarantee

\[F(x_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \tau(n, L, \mu) \|x_0 - x_\star\|^2,\]

is valid, where \(x_n\) is the output of the accelerated proximal gradient method, and where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\).

In short, for given values of \(n\), \(L\) and \(\mu\), \(\tau(n, L, \mu)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(F(x_n) - F(x_\star)\) when \(\|x_0 - x_\star\|^2 \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: Accelerated proximal gradient is described as follows, for \(t \in \{ 0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\begin{eqnarray} x_{t+1} & = & \arg\min_x \left\{h(x)+\frac{L}{2}\|x-\left(y_{t} - \frac{1}{L} \nabla f(y_t)\right)\|^2 \right\}, \\ y_{t+1} & = & x_{t+1} + \frac{i}{i+3} (x_{t+1} - x_{t}), \end{eqnarray}

where \(y_{0} = x_0\).

Theoretical guarantee: A tight (empirical) worst-case guarantee for FPGM is obtained in [1, method FPGM1 in Sec. 4.2.1, Table 1 in sec 4.2.2], for \(\mu=0\):

\[F(x_n) - F_\star \leqslant \frac{2 L}{n^2+5n+2} \|x_0 - x_\star\|^2,\]

which is attained on simple one-dimensional constrained linear optimization problems.


[1] A. Taylor, J. Hendrickx, F. Glineur (2017). Exact worst-case performance of first-order methods for composite convex optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27(3):1283–1313.

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_accelerated_proximal_gradient(L=1, mu=0, n=4, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 6x6
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 2 function(s)
         function 1 : 6 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 2 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Fast Proximal Gradient Method in function values***
    PEPit guarantee:       f(x_n)-f_* <= 0.0526302 ||x0 - xs||^2
    Theoretical guarantee:  f(x_n)-f_* <= 0.0526316 ||x0 - xs||^2

2.3. Bregman proximal point

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_bregman_proximal_point(gamma, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x)+f_2(x) \}\]

where \(f_1(x)\) and \(f_2(x)\) are closed convex proper functions.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for Bregman Proximal Point method. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, \gamma)\) such that the guarantee

\[F(x_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \tau(n, \gamma) D_{f_1}(x_\star; x_0)\]

is valid, where \(x_n\) is the output of the Bregman Proximal Point (BPP) method, where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\), and when \(D_{f_1}\) is the Bregman distance generated by \(f_1\).

Algorithm: Bregman proximal point is described in [1, Section 2, equation (9)]. For \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\begin{eqnarray} x_{t+1} & = & \arg\min_{u \in R^n} f_1(u) + \frac{1}{\gamma} D_{f_2}(u; x_t), \\ D_h(x; y) & = & h(x) - h(y) - \nabla h (y)^T(x - y). \end{eqnarray}

Theoretical guarantee: A tight empirical guarantee can be guessed from the numerics

\[F(x_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \frac{1}{\gamma n} D_{f_1}(x_\star, x_0).\]


[1] Y. Censor, S.A. Zenios (1992). Proximal minimization algorithm with D-functions. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 73(3), 451-464.

  • gamma (float) – step-size.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_bregman_proximal_point(gamma=3, n=5, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 20x20
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 3 function(s)
         function 1 : 30 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 30 constraint(s) added
         function 3 : 42 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: SCS); optimal value: 0.06666565028497914
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Bregman Proximal Point in function values ***
    PEPit guarantee:             F(x_n)-F_* <= 0.0666657 Dh(x_*; x_0)
    Theoretical guarantee :      F(x_n)-F_* <= 0.0666667 Dh(x_*; x_0)

2.4. Douglas Rachford splitting

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_douglas_rachford_splitting(L, alpha, theta, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x)+f_2(x) \}\]

where \(f_1(x)\) is is convex, closed and proper , and \(f_2\) is \(L\)-smooth. Both proximal operators are assumed to be available.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the Douglas Rachford Splitting (DRS) method. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L, \alpha, \theta)\) such that the guarantee

\[F(y_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \tau(n, L, \alpha, \theta) \|x_0 - x_\star\|^2.\]

is valid, where it is known that \(x_k\) and \(y_k\) converge to \(x_\star\), but not \(w_k\) (see definitions in the section Algorithm). Hence we require the initial condition on \(x_0\) (arbitrary choice, partially justified by the fact we choose \(f_2\) to be the smooth function).

Note that \(y_n\) is feasible as it has a finite value for \(f_1\) (output of the proximal operator on \(f_1\)) and as \(f_2\) is smooth.


Our notations for the DRS method are as follows, for \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\begin{eqnarray} x_t & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f_2}(w_t), \\ y_t & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f_1}(2x_t - w_t), \\ w_{t+1} & = & w_t + \theta (y_t - x_t). \end{eqnarray}

This description can be found in [1, Section 7.3].

Theoretical guarantee: We compare the output with that of PESTO [2] for when \(0\leqslant n \leqslant 10\) in the case where \(\alpha=\theta=L=1\).


[1] E. Ryu, S. Boyd (2016). A primer on monotone operator methods. Applied and Computational Mathematics 15(1), 3-43.

[2] A. Taylor, J. Hendrickx, F. Glineur (2017). Performance Estimation Toolbox (PESTO): automated worst-case analysis of first-order optimization methods. In 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • alpha (float) – parameter of the scheme.

  • theta (float) – parameter of the scheme.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_douglas_rachford_splitting(L=1, alpha=1, theta=1, n=9, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 22x22
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 2 function(s)
                 function 1 : 90 constraint(s) added
                 function 2 : 110 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.027791729882647262
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Douglas Rachford Splitting in function values ***
        PEPit guarantee:       f(y_n)-f_* <= 0.0278 ||x0 - xs||^2
        Theoretical guarantee:  f(y_n)-f_* <= 0.0278 ||x0 - xs||^2

2.5. Douglas Rachford splitting contraction

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_douglas_rachford_splitting_contraction(mu, L, alpha, theta, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x) \}\]

where \(f_1(x)\) is \(L\)-smooth and \(\mu\)-strongly convex, and \(f_2\) is convex, closed and proper. Both proximal operators are assumed to be available.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the Douglas Rachford Splitting (DRS) method. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(\mu,L,\alpha,\theta,n)\) such that the guarantee

\[\|w_1 - w_1'\|^2 \leqslant \tau(\mu,L,\alpha,\theta,n) \|w_0 - w_0'\|^2.\]

is valid, where \(x_n\) is the output of the Douglas Rachford Splitting method. It is a contraction factor computed when the algorithm is started from two different points \(w_0\) and \(w_0\).


Our notations for the DRS method are as follows [3, Section 7.3], for \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\begin{eqnarray} x_t & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f_2}(w_t), \\ y_t & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f_1}(2x_t - w_t), \\ w_{t+1} & = & w_t + \theta (y_t - x_t). \end{eqnarray}

Theoretical guarantee:

The tight theoretial guarantee is obtained in [2, Theorem 2]:

\[\|w_1 - w_1'\|^2 \leqslant \max\left(\frac{1}{1 + \mu \alpha}, \frac{\alpha L }{1 + L \alpha}\right)^{2n} \|w_0 - w_0'\|^2\]

for when \(\theta=1\).


Details on the SDP formulations can be found in

[1] E. Ryu, A. Taylor, C. Bergeling, P. Giselsson (2020). Operator splitting performance estimation: Tight contraction factors and optimal parameter selection. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(3), 2251-2271.

When \(\theta = 1\), the bound can be compared with that of [2, Theorem 2]

[2] P. Giselsson, and S. Boyd (2016). Linear convergence and metric selection in Douglas-Rachford splitting and ADMM. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(2), 532-544.

A description for the DRS method can be found in [3, 7.3]

[3] E. Ryu, S. Boyd (2016). A primer on monotone operator methods. Applied and Computational Mathematics 15(1), 3-43.

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • alpha (float) – parameter of the scheme.

  • theta (float) – parameter of the scheme.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_douglas_rachford_splitting_contraction(mu=.1, L=1, alpha=3, theta=1, n=2, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 12x12
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 2 function(s)
         function 1 : 20 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 20 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: SCS); optimal value: 0.35012779919911946
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Douglas Rachford Splitting in distance ***
    PEPit guarantee:             ||w - wp||^2 <= 0.350128 ||w0 - w0p||^2
    Theoretical guarantee:       ||w - wp||^2 <= 0.350128 ||w0 - w0p||^2

2.6. Accelerated Douglas Rachford splitting

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_accelerated_douglas_rachford_splitting(mu, L, alpha, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x)\},\]

where \(f_1\) is closed convex and proper, and \(f_2\) is \(L\)-smooth and \(\mu\)-strongly convex.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for accelerated Douglas-Rachford. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L, \mu, \alpha)\) such that the guarantee

\[F(y_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \tau(n,L,\mu,\alpha) \|w_0 - w_\star\|^2\]

is valid, \(\alpha\) is a parameter of the method, and where \(y_n\) is the output of the accelerated Douglas-Rachford Splitting method, where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\), and \(w_\star\) defined such that

\[x_\star = \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f_2}(w_\star)\]

is an optimal point.

In short, for given values of \(n\), \(L\), \(\mu\), \(\alpha\), \(\tau(n,L,\mu,\alpha)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(F(y_n)-F_\star\) when \(\|x_0 - w_\star\|^2 \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: The accelerated Douglas-Rachford splitting is described in [1, Section 4]. For \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\begin{eqnarray} x_{t} & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f_2} (u_t),\\ y_{t} & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha f_1}(2x_t-u_t),\\ w_{t+1} & = & u_t + \theta (y_t-x_t),\\ u_{t+1} & = & \left\{\begin{array}{ll} w_{t+1}+\frac{t-1}{t+2}(w_{t+1}-w_t)\, & \text{if } t >1,\\ w_{t+1} & \text{otherwise.} \end{array}\right. \end{eqnarray}

Theoretical guarantee: There is no theoretical guarantee for this method beyond quadratic minimization. For quadratics, an upper bound on is provided by [1, Theorem 5]:

\[F(y_n) - F_\star \leqslant \frac{2\|x_0-w_\star\|^2}{\alpha \theta (n + 3)^ 2},\]

when \(\theta=\frac{1-\alpha L}{1+\alpha L}\) and \(\alpha < \frac{1}{L}\).

References: An analysis of the accelerated Douglas-Rachford splitting is available in [1, Theorem 5] for when the convex minimization problem is quadratic.

[1] P. Patrinos, L. Stella, A. Bemporad (2014). Douglas-Rachford splitting: Complexity estimates and accelerated variants. In 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • alpha (float) – the parameter of the scheme.

  • n (int) – the number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value (upper bound for quadratics; not directly comparable).


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_accelerated_douglas_rachford_splitting(mu=.1, L=1, alpha=.9, n=2, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 11x11
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 2 function(s)
         function 1 : 20 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 20 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: SCS); optimal value: 0.19291623130351168
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Accelerated Douglas Rachford Splitting in function values ***
        PEPit guarantee:                         F(y_n)-F_* <= 0.192915 ||x0 - ws||^2
        Theoretical guarantee for quadratics :   F(y_n)-F_* <= 1.68889 ||x0 - ws||^2

2.7. Frank Wolfe

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_frank_wolfe(L, D, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x)\},\]

where \(f_1\) is \(L\)-smooth and convex and where \(f_2\) is a convex indicator function on \(\mathcal{D}\) of diameter at most \(D\).

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the conditional gradient method, aka Frank-Wolfe method. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L)\) such that the guarantee

\[F(x_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \tau(n, L) D^2,\]

is valid, where x_n is the output of the conditional gradient method, and where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\). In short, for given values of \(n\) and \(L\), \(\tau(n, L)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(F(x_n) - F(x_\star)\) when \(D \leqslant 1\).


This method was first presented in [1]. A more recent version can be found in, e.g., [2, Algorithm 1]. For \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray} y_t & = & \arg\min_{s \in \mathcal{D}} \langle s \mid \nabla f_1(x_t) \rangle, \\ x_{t+1} & = & \frac{t - 1}{t + 1} x_t + \frac{2}{t + 1} y_t. \end{eqnarray}\end{split}\]

Theoretical guarantee:

An upper guarantee obtained in [2, Theorem 1] is

\[F(x_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \frac{2L D^2}{n+2}.\]


[1] M .Frank, P. Wolfe (1956). An algorithm for quadratic programming. Naval research logistics quarterly, 3(1-2), 95-110.

[2] M. Jaggi (2013). Revisiting Frank-Wolfe: Projection-free sparse convex optimization. In 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • D (float) – diameter of \(f_2\).

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_frank_wolfe(L=1, D=1, n=10, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 26x26
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (0 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 2 function(s)
         function 1 : 132 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 325 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: SCS); optimal value: 0.09945208318766442
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Conditional Gradient (Franck-Wolfe) in function value ***
    PEPit guarantee:             f(x_n)-f_* <= 0.0994521 ||x0 - xs||^2
    Theoretical guarantee:       f(x_n)-f_* <= 0.166667 ||x0 - xs||^2

2.8. Improved interior method

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_improved_interior_algorithm(L, mu, c, lam, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x)\},\]

where \(f_1\) is a \(L\)-smooth convex function, and \(f_2\) is a closed convex indicator function. We use a kernel function \(h\) that is assumed to be closed, proper, and strongly convex (see [1, Section 5]).

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for Improved interior gradient algorithm (IGA). That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(\mu,L,c,\lambda,n)\) such that the guarantee

\[F(x_n) - F(x_\star) \leqslant \tau(\mu,L,c,\lambda,n) (c D_h(x_\star;x_0) + f_1(x_0) - f_1(x_\star))\]

is valid, where \(x_n\) is the output of the IGA and where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\) and \(D_h\) is the Bregman distance generated by \(h\).

In short, for given values of \(\mu\), \(L\), \(c\), \(\lambda\) and \(n\), \(\tau(\mu,L,c,\lambda,n)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(F(x_n)-F_\star\) when \(c D_h(x_\star;x_0) + f_1(x_0) - f_1(x_\star)\leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: The IGA is described in [1, “Improved Interior Gradient Algorithm”]. For \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\begin{eqnarray} \alpha_t & = & \frac{\sqrt{(c_t\lambda)^2+4c_t\lambda}-\lambda c_t}{2},\\ y_t & = & (1-\alpha_t) x_t + \alpha_t z_t,\\ c_{t+1} & = & (1-\alpha_t)c_t,\\ z_{t+1} & = & \arg\min_{z} \left\{ \left< z;\frac{\alpha_t}{c_{t+1}}\nabla f_1(y_t)\right> +f_2(z)+D_h(z;z_t)\right\}, \\ x_{t+1} & = & (1-\alpha_t) x_t + \alpha_t z_{t+1}. \end{eqnarray}

Theoretical guarantee: The following upper bound can be found in [1, Theorem 5.2]:

\[F(x_n) - F_\star \leqslant \frac{4L}{c n^2}\left(c D_h(x_\star;x_0) + f_1(x_0) - f_1(x_\star) \right).\]


[1] A. Auslender, M. Teboulle (2006). Interior gradient and proximal methods for convex and conic optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization 16.3 (2006): 697-725.

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong-convexity parameter.

  • c (float) – initial value.

  • lam (float) – the step-size.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.


>>> L = 1
>>> lam = 1 / L
>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_improved_interior_algorithm(L=L, mu=1, c=1, lam=lam, n=5, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 22x22
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 3 function(s)
         function 1 : 42 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 49 constraint(s) added
         function 3 : 42 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.0680763240358105
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Improved interior gradient algorithm in function values ***
    PEPit guarantee:       F(x_n)-F_* <= 0.0680763 (c * Dh(xs; x0) + f1(x0) - F_ *)
    Theoretical guarantee:  F(x_n)-F_* <= 0.111111 (c * Dh(xs; x0) + f1(x0) - F_ *)

2.9. No Lips in function value

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_no_lips_in_function_value(L, gamma, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the constrainted composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x)\},\]

where \(f_1\) is convex and \(L\)-smooth relatively to \(h\), \(h\) being closed proper and convex, and where \(f_2\) is a closed convex indicator function.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the NoLips method. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L)\) such that the guarantee

\[F(x_n) - F_\star \leqslant \tau(n, L) D_h(x_\star; x_0),\]

is valid, where \(x_n\) is the output of the NoLips method, where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\), and where \(D_h\) is the Bregman divergence generated by \(h\). In short, for given values of \(n\) and \(L\), \(\tau(n, L)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(F(x_n) - F_\star\) when \(D_h(x_\star; x_0) \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: This method (also known as Bregman Gradient, or Mirror descent) can be found in, e.g., [2, Algorithm 1]. For \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\[x_{t+1} = \arg\min_{u} \{f_2(u)+\langle \nabla f_1(x_t) \mid u - x_t \rangle + \frac{1}{\gamma} D_h(u; x_t)\}.\]

Theoretical guarantee:

The tight guarantee obtained in [2, Theorem 1] is

\[F(x_n) - F_\star \leqslant \frac{1}{\gamma n} D_h(x_\star; x_0),\]

for any \(\gamma \leq \frac{1}{L}\); tightness is provided in [2, page 23].

References: NoLips was proposed [1] for convex problems involving relative smoothness. The worst-case analysis using a PEP, as well as the tightness are provided in [2].

[1] H.H. Bauschke, J. Bolte, M. Teboulle (2017). A Descent Lemma Beyond Lipschitz Gradient Continuity: First-Order Methods Revisited and Applications. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2017, vol. 42, no 2, p. 330-348.

[2] R. Dragomir, A. Taylor, A. d’Aspremont, J. Bolte (2021). Optimal complexity and certification of Bregman first-order methods. Mathematical Programming, 1-43.


Disclaimer: This example requires some experience with PEPit and PEPs ([2], section 4).

  • L (float) – relative-smoothness parameter.

  • gamma (float) – step-size.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.

>>> L = 1
>>> gamma = 1 / (2*L)
>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_no_lips_in_function_value(L=L, gamma=gamma, n=3, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 15x15
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 3 function(s)
         function 1 : 20 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 20 constraint(s) added
         function 3 : 16 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.6666666666481623
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the NoLips in function values ***
    PEPit guarantee:             F(x_n) - F_* <= 0.666667 Dh(x_*; x_0)
    Theoretical guarantee :      F(x_n) - F_* <= 0.666667 Dh(x_*; x_0)

2.10. No Lips in Bregman divergence

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_no_lips_in_bregman_divergence(L, gamma, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the constrainted composite convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x)\},\]

where \(f_1\) is convex and \(L\)-smooth relatively to \(h\), \(h\) being closed proper and convex, and where \(f_2\) is a closed convex indicator function.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the NoLips method. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L)\) such that the guarantee

\[\min_{t\leqslant n} D_h(x_{t-1}; x_t) \leqslant \tau(n, L) D_h(x_\star; x_0),\]

is valid, where \(x_n\) is the output of the NoLips method, where \(x_\star\) is a minimizer of \(F\), and where \(D_h\) is the Bregman divergence generated by \(h\). In short, for given values of \(n\) and \(L\), \(\tau(n, L)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(\min_{t\leqslant n} D_h(x_{t-1}; x_t)\) when \(D_h(x_\star; x_0) \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: This method (also known as Bregman Gradient, or Mirror descent) can be found in, e.g., [2, Algorithm 1]. For \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\[x_{t+1} = \arg\min_{u} \{f_2(u)+\langle \nabla f_1(x_t) \mid u - x_t \rangle + \frac{1}{\gamma} D_h(u; x_t)\}.\]

Theoretical guarantee: The upper guarantee obtained in [2, Proposition 4] is

\[\min_{t\leqslant n} D_h(x_{t-1}; x_t) \leqslant \frac{2}{n (n - 1)} D_h(x_\star; x_0),\]

for any \(\gamma \leq \frac{1}{L}\). It is empirically tight.


[1] H.H. Bauschke, J. Bolte, M. Teboulle (2017). A Descent Lemma Beyond Lipschitz Gradient Continuity: First-Order Methods Revisited and Applications. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2017, vol. 42, no 2, p. 330-348.

[2] R. Dragomir, A. Taylor, A. d’Aspremont, J. Bolte (2021). Optimal complexity and certification of Bregman first-order methods. Mathematical Programming, 1-43.


Disclaimer: This example requires some experience with PEPit and PEPs ([2], section 4).

  • L (float) – relative-smoothness parameter.

  • gamma (float) – step-size.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value.


>>> L = 1
>>> gamma = 1 / L
>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_no_lips_in_bregman_divergence(L=L, gamma=gamma, n=10, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 36x36
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 10 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 3 function(s)
         function 1 : 132 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 132 constraint(s) added
         function 3 : 121 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.02222222222219286
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the NoLips_2 in Bregman divergence ***
        PEPit guarantee:         min_t Dh(x_(t-1); x_t) <= 0.0222222 Dh(x_*; x_0)
        Theoretical guarantee:   min_t Dh(x_(t-1); x_t) <= 0.0222222 Dh(x_*; x_0)

2.11. Three operator splitting

PEPit.examples.composite_convex_minimization.wc_three_operator_splitting(mu1, L1, L3, alpha, theta, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the composite convex minimization problem,

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \{F(x) \equiv f_1(x) + f_2(x) + f_3(x)\}\]

where, \(f_1\) is \(L_1\)-smooth and \(\mu_1\)-strongly convex, \(f_2\) is closed, convex and proper, and \(f_3\) is \(L_3\)-smooth convex. Proximal operators are assumed to be available for \(f_1\) and \(f_2\).

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for the Three Operator Splitting (TOS). That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L_1, L_3, \mu_1)\) such that the guarantee

\[\|w^{(0)}_{n} - w^{(1)}_{n}\|^2 \leqslant \tau(n, L_1, L_3, \mu_1, \alpha, \theta) \|w^{(0)}_{0} - w^{(1)}_{0}\|^2\]

is valid, where \(w^{(0)}_{0}\) and \(w^{(1)}_{0}\) are two different starting points and \(w^{(0)}_{n}\) and \(w^{(1)}_{n}\) are the two corresponding \(n^{\mathrm{th}}\) outputs of TOS. (i.e., how do the iterates contract when the method is started from two different initial points).

In short, for given values of \(n\), \(L_1\), \(L_3\), \(\mu_1\), \(\alpha\) and \(\theta\), the contraction factor \(\tau(n, L_1, L_3, \mu_1, \alpha, \theta)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(\|w^{(0)}_{n} - w^{(1)}_{n}\|^2\) when \(\|w^{(0)}_{0} - w^{(1)}_{0}\|^2 \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: One iteration of the algorithm is described in [1]. For \(t \in \{0, \dots, n-1\}\),

\begin{eqnarray} x_t & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha, f_2}(w_t), \\ y_t & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\alpha, f_1}(2 x_t - w_t - \alpha \nabla f_3(x_t)), \\ w_{t+1} & = & w_t + \theta (y_t - x_t). \end{eqnarray}

References: The TOS was introduced in [1].

[1] D. Davis, W. Yin (2017). A three-operator splitting scheme and its optimization applications. Set-valued and variational analysis, 25(4), 829-858.

  • mu1 (float) – the strong convexity parameter of function \(f_1\).

  • L1 (float) – the smoothness parameter of function \(f_1\).

  • L3 (float) – the smoothness parameter of function \(f_3\).

  • alpha (float) – parameter of the scheme.

  • theta (float) – parameter of the scheme.

  • n (int) – number of iterations.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value.

  • theoretical_tau (None) – no theoretical value.


>>> L3 = 1
>>> alpha = 1 / L3
>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_three_operator_splitting(mu1=0.1, L1=10, L3=L3, alpha=alpha, theta=1, n=4, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 29x29
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 3 function(s)
         function 1 : 72 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 72 constraint(s) added
         function 3 : 72 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.4754523883370414
*** Example file: worst-case performance of the Three Operator Splitting in distance ***
    PEPit guarantee:             ||w^2_n - w^1_n||^2 <= 0.475452 ||x0 - ws||^2