4. Stochastic convex minimization

4.1. Stochastic gradient descent

PEPit.examples.stochastic_convex_minimization.wc_sgd(L, mu, gamma, v, R, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the finite sum minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \left\{F(x) \equiv \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f_i(x)\right\},\]

where \(f_1, ..., f_n\) are \(L\)-smooth and \(\mu\)-strongly convex. In addition, we assume a bounded variance at the optimal point (which is denoted by \(x_\star\)):

\[\mathbb{E}\left[\|\nabla f_i(x_\star)\|^2\right] = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n\|\nabla f_i(x_\star)\|^2 \leqslant v^2.\]

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for one step of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in expectation, for the distance to an optimal point. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(L, \mu, \gamma, v, R, n)\) such that

\[\mathbb{E}\left[\|x_1 - x_\star\|^2\right] \leqslant \tau(L, \mu, \gamma, v, R, n)\]

where \(\|x_0 - x_\star\|^2 \leqslant R^2\), where \(v\) is the variance at \(x_\star\), and where \(x_1\) is the output of one step of SGD (note that we use the notation \(x_0,x_1\) to denote two consecutive iterates for convenience; as the bound is valid for all \(x_0\), it is also valid for any pair of consecutive iterates of the algorithm).

Algorithm: One iteration of SGD is described by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray} \text{Pick random }i & \sim & \mathcal{U}\left([|1, n|]\right), \\ x_{t+1} & = & x_t - \gamma \nabla f_{i}(x_t), \end{eqnarray}\end{split}\]

where \(\gamma\) is a step-size.

Theoretical guarantee: An empirically tight one-iteration guarantee is provided in the code of PESTO [1]:

\[\mathbb{E}\left[\|x_1 - x_\star\|^2\right] \leqslant \frac{1}{2}\left(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\right)^2 R^2 + \frac{1}{2}\left(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\right) R \sqrt{\left(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\right)^2 R^2 + 4\frac{v^2}{L^2}} + \frac{v^2}{L^2},\]

when \(\gamma=\frac{1}{L}\). Note that we observe the guarantee does not depend on the number math:`n of functions for this particular setting, thereby implying that the guarantees are also valid for expectation minimization settings (i.e., when \(n\) goes to infinity).

References: Empirically tight guarantee provided in code of [1]. Using SDPs for analyzing SGD-type method was proposed in [2, 3].

[1] A. Taylor, J. Hendrickx, F. Glineur (2017). Performance Estimation Toolbox (PESTO): automated worst-case analysis of first-order optimization methods. In 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

[2] B. Hu, P. Seiler, L. Lessard (2020). Analysis of biased stochastic gradient descent using sequential semidefinite programs. Mathematical programming (to appear).

[3] A. Taylor, F. Bach (2019). Stochastic first-order methods: non-asymptotic and computer-aided analyses via potential functions. Conference on Learning Theory (COLT).

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • gamma (float) – the step-size.

  • v (float) – the variance bound.

  • R (float) – the initial distance.

  • n (int) – number of functions.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value


>>> mu = 0.1
>>> L = 1
>>> gamma = 1/L
>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_sgd(L=L, mu=mu, gamma=gamma, v=1, R=2, n=5, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 11x11
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (2 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 5 function(s)
                 function 1 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 2 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 3 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 4 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 5 : 2 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 5.0416521649156865
*** Example file: worst-case performance of stochastic gradient descent with fixed step-size ***
    PEPit guarantee:             E[||x_1 - x_*||^2] <= 5.04165 ||x0 - x_*||^2
    Theoretical guarantee:       E[||x_1 - x_*||^2] <= 5.04165 ||x0 - x_*||^2

4.2. Stochastic gradient descent in overparametrized setting

PEPit.examples.stochastic_convex_minimization.wc_sgd_overparametrized(L, mu, gamma, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the finite sum minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \left\{F(x) \equiv \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f_i(x)\right\},\]

where \(f_1, ..., f_n\) are \(L\)-smooth and \(\mu\)-strongly convex. In addition, we assume a zero variance at the optimal point (which is denoted by \(x_\star\)):

\[\mathbb{E}\left[\|\nabla f_i(x_\star)\|^2\right] = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \|\nabla f_i(x_\star)\|^2 = 0,\]

which happens for example in machine learning in the interpolation regime, that is if there exists a model \(x_\star\) such that the loss \(\mathcal{L}\) on any observation \((z_i)_{i \in [|1, n|]}\), \(\mathcal{L}(x_\star, z_i) = f_i(x_\star)\) is zero.

This code computes a worst-case guarantee for one step of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in expectation, for the distance to optimal point. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(L, \mu, \gamma, n)\) such that

\[\mathbb{E}\left[\|x_1 - x_\star\|^2\right] \leqslant \tau(L, \mu, \gamma, n) \|x_0 - x_\star\|^2\]

is valid, where \(x_1\) is the output of one step of SGD.

Algorithm: One iteration of SGD is described by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray} \text{Pick random }i & \sim & \mathcal{U}\left([|1, n|]\right), \\ x_{t+1} & = & x_t - \gamma \nabla f_{i}(x_t), \end{eqnarray}\end{split}\]

where \(\gamma\) is a step-size.

Theoretical guarantee: An empirically tight one-iteration guarantee is provided in the code of PESTO [1]:

\[\mathbb{E}\left[\|x_1 - x_\star\|^2\right] \leqslant \frac{1}{2}\left(1-\frac{\mu}{L}\right)^2 \|x_0-x_\star\|^2,\]

when \(\gamma=\frac{1}{L}\). Note that we observe the guarantee does not depend on the number math:`n of functions for this particular setting, thereby implying that the guarantees are also valid for expectation minimization settings (i.e., when \(n\) goes to infinity).

References: Empirically tight guarantee provided in code of [1]. Using SDPs for analyzing SGD-type method was proposed in [2, 3].

[1] A. Taylor, J. Hendrickx, F. Glineur (2017). Performance Estimation Toolbox (PESTO): automated worst-case analysis of first-order optimization methods. In 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

[2] B. Hu, P. Seiler, L. Lessard (2020). Analysis of biased stochastic gradient descent using sequential semidefinite programs. Mathematical programming (to appear).

[3] A. Taylor, F. Bach (2019). Stochastic first-order methods: non-asymptotic and computer-aided analyses via potential functions. Conference on Learning Theory (COLT).

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • gamma (float) – the step-size.

  • n (int) – number of functions.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion.

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value


>>> mu = 0.1
>>> L = 1
>>> gamma = 1 / L
>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_sgd_overparametrized(L=L, mu=mu, gamma=gamma, n=5, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 11x11
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (2 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 5 function(s)
         function 1 : 2 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 2 constraint(s) added
         function 3 : 2 constraint(s) added
         function 4 : 2 constraint(s) added
         function 5 : 2 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.8099999998856641
*** Example file: worst-case performance of stochastic gradient descent with fixed step-size and with zero variance at the optimal point ***
    PEPit guarantee:             E[||x_1 - x_*||^2] <= 0.81 ||x0 - x_*||^2
    Theoretical guarantee:       E[||x_1 - x_*||^2] <= 0.81 ||x0 - x_*||^2

4.3. SAGA

PEPit.examples.stochastic_convex_minimization.wc_saga(L, mu, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the finite sum convex minimization problem

\[F_\star \triangleq \min_x \left\{F(x) \equiv h(x) + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} f_i(x)\right\},\]

where the functions \(f_i\) are assumed to be \(L\)-smooth \(\mu\)-strongly convex, and \(h\) is closed, proper, and convex with a proximal operator readily available.

This code computes the exact rate for a Lyapunov (or energy) function for SAGA [1]. That is, it computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n,L,\mu)\) such this Lyapunov function decreases geometrically

\[\mathbb{E}[V^{(1)}] \leqslant \tau(n, L, \mu) V^{(0)},\]

where the value of the Lyapunov function at iteration \(t\) is denoted by \(V^{(t)}\) and is defined as

\[V^{(t)} \triangleq \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \left(f_i(\phi_i^{(t)}) - f_i(x^\star) - \langle \nabla f_i(x^\star); \phi_i^{(t)} - x^\star\rangle\right) + \frac{1}{2 n \gamma (1-\mu \gamma)} \|x^{(t)} - x^\star\|^2,\]

with \(\gamma = \frac{1}{2(\mu n+L)}\) (this Lyapunov function was proposed in [1, Theorem 1]). We consider the case \(t=0\) in the code below, without loss of generality.

In short, for given values of \(n\), \(L\), and \(\mu\), \(\tau(n, L, \mu)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(\mathbb{E}[V^{(1)}]\) when \(V(x^{(0)}) \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: One iteration of SAGA [1] is described as follows: at iteration \(t\), pick \(j\in\{1,\ldots,n\}\) uniformely at random and set:

\begin{eqnarray} \phi_j^{(t+1)} & = & x^{(t)} \\ w^{(t+1)} & = & x^{(t)} - \gamma \left[ \nabla f_j (\phi_j^{(t+1)}) - \nabla f_j(\phi_j^{(t)}) + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n(\nabla f_i(\phi^{(t)}))\right] \\ x^{(t+1)} & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\gamma h} (w^{(t+1)})\triangleq \arg\min_x \left\{ \gamma h(x)+\frac{1}{2}\|x-w^{(t+1)}\|^2\right\} \end{eqnarray}

Theoretical guarantee: The following upper bound (empirically tight) can be found in [1, Theorem 1]:

\[\mathbb{E}[V^{(t+1)}] \leqslant \left(1-\gamma\mu \right)V^{(t)}\]


[1] A. Defazio, F. Bach, S. Lacoste-Julien (2014). SAGA: A fast incremental gradient method with support for non-strongly convex composite objectives. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS).

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • n (int) – number of functions.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_saga(L=1, mu=.1, n=5, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 27x27
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 6 function(s)
         function 1 : 30 constraint(s) added
         function 2 : 6 constraint(s) added
         function 3 : 6 constraint(s) added
         function 4 : 6 constraint(s) added
         function 5 : 6 constraint(s) added
         function 6 : 6 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.9666666451997894
*** Example file: worst-case performance of SAGA for Lyapunov function V_t ***
    PEPit guarantee:             V^(1) <= 0.966667 V^(0)
    Theoretical guarantee:       V^(1) <= 0.966667 V^(0)

4.4. Point SAGA

PEPit.examples.stochastic_convex_minimization.wc_point_saga(L, mu, n, verbose=True)[source]

Consider the finite sum minimization problem

\[F^\star \triangleq \min_x \left\{F(x) \equiv \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n f_i(x)\right\},\]

where \(f_1, \dots, f_n\) are \(L\)-smooth and \(\mu\)-strongly convex, and with proximal operator readily available.

This code computes a tight (one-step) worst-case guarantee using a Lyapunov function for Point SAGA [1]. The Lyapunov (or energy) function at a point \(x\) is given in [1, Theorem 5]:

\[V(x) = \frac{1}{L \mu}\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i \leq n} \|\nabla f_i(x) - \nabla f_i(x_\star)\|^2 + \|x - x^\star\|^2,\]

where \(x^\star\) denotes the minimizer of \(F\). The code computes the smallest possible \(\tau(n, L, \mu)\) such that the guarantee (in expectation):

\[\mathbb{E}[V(x^{(1)})] \leqslant \tau(n, L, \mu) V(x^{(0)}),\]

is valid (note that we use the notation \(x^{(0)},x^{(1)}\) to denote two consecutive iterates for convenience; as the bound is valid for all \(x^{(0)}\), it is also valid for any pair of consecutive iterates of the algorithm).

In short, for given values of \(n\), \(L\), and \(\mu\), \(\tau(n, L, \mu)\) is computed as the worst-case value of \(\mathbb{E}[V(x^{(1)})]\) when \(V(x^{(0)}) \leqslant 1\).

Algorithm: Point SAGA is described by

\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray} \text{Set }\gamma & = & \frac{\sqrt{(n - 1)^2 + 4n\frac{L}{\mu}}}{2Ln} - \frac{\left(1 - \frac{1}{n}\right)}{2L} \\ \text{Pick random }j & \sim & \mathcal{U}\left([|1, n|]\right) \\ z^{(t)} & = & x_t + \gamma \left(g_j^{(t)} - \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i\leq n}g_i^{(t)} \right), \\ x^{(t+1)} & = & \mathrm{prox}_{\gamma f_j}(z^{(t)})\triangleq \arg\min_x\left\{ \gamma f_j(x)+\frac{1}{2} \|x-z^{(t)}\|^2 \right\}, \\ g_j^{(t+1)} & = & \frac{1}{\gamma}(z^{(t)} - x^{(t+1)}). \end{eqnarray}\end{split}\]

Theoretical guarantee: A theoretical upper bound is given in [1, Theorem 5].

\[\mathbb{E}[V(x^{(t+1)})] \leqslant \frac{1}{1 + \mu\gamma} V(x^{(t)})\]


[1] A. Defazio (2016). A simple practical accelerated method for finite sums. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 29, 676-684.

  • L (float) – the smoothness parameter.

  • mu (float) – the strong convexity parameter.

  • n (int) – number of functions.

  • verbose (bool) – if True, print conclusion

  • pepit_tau (float) – worst-case value

  • theoretical_tau (float) – theoretical value


>>> pepit_tau, theoretical_tau = wc_point_saga(L=1, mu=.01, n=10, verbose=True)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: size of the main PSD matrix: 31x31
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: performance measure is minimum of 1 element(s)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: initial conditions (1 constraint(s) added)
(PEPit) Setting up the problem: interpolation conditions for 10 function(s)
                 function 1 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 2 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 3 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 4 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 5 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 6 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 7 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 8 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 9 : 2 constraint(s) added
                 function 10 : 2 constraint(s) added
(PEPit) Compiling SDP
(PEPit) Calling SDP solver
(PEPit) Solver status: optimal (solver: MOSEK); optimal value: 0.9714053958034508
*** Example file: worst-case performance of Point SAGA for a given Lyapunov function ***
        PEPit guarantee:       E[V(x^(1))] <= 0.971405 V(x^(0))
        Theoretical guarantee:  E[V(x^(1))] <= 0.973292 V(x^(0))